Day Five inspiration:

You will climb higher than you ever thought possible

Ever been stuck in a dead end relationship or a job that leaves you feeling stressed out? Do you hate your life? Does it seem like you wake up and go to sleep with a millstone around your neck?

What have you done about that? If you think change will come and nip you in the arse, you have another think coming! If you want change, YOU have to make it happen! Dead end job? Look for another one! Relationship issues have you feeling blue and dismayed? Change it, adjust it, make it better...or let it go. 

Any situation that you see yourself hopelessly mired in, visualize yourself standing tall, squaring your shoulders and saying (out loud if necessary!) "I will not DO this any MORE!"

I have been there. I have been in a marriage where, for 25 years, I withstood physical and verbal abuse. Criticisms, put downs and walking on eggshells were the standard of any given day. I finally had the courage to stand up and say, "stop! I will not do this any more!" I filed for divorce and my life changed so much for the better. I was in a job where I was being overworked and constantly being written up for things beyond my control. I finally went to my supervisor and told her "I am not going to put up with this hostile work environment!"It changed...for the better.

YOU have it within you to make change happen! Visualize yourself at the peak of success, be it home, work, relationships or whatever is bogging you down. Only YOU can walk that journey...the hardest part of the first step. TAKE that first step anyway! Look life in the eye and exclaim, "I will not be beat!"


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