
On this day...God wants you to know... 
... that hope never leaves. Sometimes you can't see it or feel it. Sometimes hope seems far away. Often the difficulties you face make it seem as if hope has abandoned you. But hope never leaves. It is always there, ready for you to embrace.

This was my post from yesterday and it got me to thinking...that one little four letter word- hope- can be the make it or break it of our life. If you have ever watched the game shows, the singing shows, the dance shows on television, that bright shining moment as the contestant awaits his/her fate, what do you see emanating from their whole being? Hope! Someone waiting for news about a job, a new baby, winning the lottery <chuckle> what that person is riding on is the wave of hope. Hope is a lifesaver when a relationship ends, when a new one may begin, when all seems lost, hope is the catalyst that keeps a person from doing the unthinkable.

When I was growing up...in fact, for the first 45 years of my life, hope was all I had. Every day living in an abusive home, I would cross off the day on my calendar, hoping the day after would be better. Then another 25 years in an abusive marriage, again, I would wake up each day, hoping this day would be the start of something that would keep me secure forever. Sadly it didn't, but hope saved me from doing something much worse. Suicide. Running away. Giving up. I was determined that I could do this, too! It made me stronger. Allow it to make you stronger as well. As a friend of mine who has seen some pretty tough battles for about a year now told me in a message:

"Hope is a good thing-- it's what makes us wake up each and every day. So here some HOPE for you! Wake in a new light each day no matter the day before."


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