Buzz the rescue!
If you have seen Toy Story, you are very familiar with Tim Allen, who also starred in "The Santa Clause" as well as "Home Improvement."
It’s tough not to like Tim Allen after all he’s been through.
The great comedian and TV star once hit rock bottom, after all, with a drug trafficking charge that sent him to prison for over two years. He was also charged with DUI in 1997 in another incident.
Allen has made serious mistakes, to be sure, but he acts in a humble and contrite manner that reminds us the importance of forgiveness and moving on.
I look at the strides he has made and think..."wow, there but for the grace of God...go I." Who could judge him and say he has failed?
I look at others who also have made mistakes in their lives...who have not been as lucky, but who would like to be. They just don't have the tools to begin this journey, so they become the butt of condemnation. Think about who you tend to avoid: alcoholics, drug addicts, overweight people, minorities, different races, religions, creeds, colors, gays, straight, it doesn't matter because we have assigned titles to them all! They don't have a snowball's chance in hell of ever making anything of themselves because we already have said, "three strikes! You're OUT!"
Jesus instead took those people in hand, he said, "I forgive you! I LOVE YOU! Now...let's go have dinner at your house tonight!" Yes, he dined with the lowest class of folks that He could find. He treated them as his! Imagine that...the Son of God not looking DOWN on someone, but rather at them...shoulder to shoulder! "You're an alcoholic? So what, God loves you and so do I! You're a druggie? So what, I accept you! You're poor? Wow! I can relate, I was born in a stinky barn and set to rest in a manger! Imagine that! I have walked in your steps, I have cried with you, I also have shared your laughter, your visions of hope...your life. Can we be friends?"
And just like that, the world was set afire by the glow of His love!
The next time you hear Tim Allen's gravelly voice on TV...remember...just like the rest of us, he made mistakes. And he got up...and made life better for all of us! Amen!
you have such a cute way of making your point! I just can't see Ozzy Osbourne doing Buzz Lightyear!!! hahaha However, I have now just done what you said NOT to do! See how we fall into that rut? Thanks for the words...I always look forward to your blogs!
ReplyDeleteThank son grew up on Toy Story and we didn't know this about Tim. You have inspired him once more...and this old guy thanks you! To judge is a horrible thing...give us a chance...we really do breathe the same air and bleed red as you do..I think you even said we all poop brown! For sure we again. It's all good and that's what counts!
ReplyDeleteso how many really do deserve that second chance? to watch someone drink day after day...destroying himself and everyone around him? To isolate himself from all he knows just to stay drunk..and I am supposed to hope for him to come to his senses, right, and realize who he is hurting? I don't see it happening..nope, I just don't see it. Because I am the one who cries...and he is too drunk to know or to even care. No one is coming to my one at all.
ReplyDeleteto is hard to watch the ones you love falter...but if you're not there for him, then who is? He is hurting too or he wouldn't be adding to his pain by his continued drinking. Stay strong...
ReplyDeleteit is true that there are those who get that second chance and shine, others try and fail, some never even get back up. it is true also that the ones around who have to watch hurt so much more than the one screwing up their it right for us to walk away? I have walked away---and then the kids want me to go back to him. They are too young to understand that when he passes out, he isn't just "asleep," he is out, for hours. They don't understand that daddy won't be there for their concerts, their school plays, their Brownie meetings, their ANYTHING, because quite frankly, daddy is a drunk! and mommy can't deal with it anymore! and yet it is mommy who goes back...and mommy who hurts...and mommy who picks up the slack and mommy who makes the excuses...when does the mommy get hers? It is my hell...what do I do? who has the answer?