huge Grrrr moment...or is it?

Have you ever seen a complete stranger across a room, street, or hallway, and sent them a silent, "I love you," just for the good it might do?

I have.

But then, to me, they're not really strangers.

Then again, neither are they to you. Or shouldn't be anyway! Because...
There are no accidents no coincidences, and no strangers. 


This message was in my e-mail today and it got me to thinking...about those people from the past who we thought we'd never see again, but like a sad-looking penny, come back once more. I replied to a Facebook posting yesterday and the next thing I know, the last person I ever thought I'd see again from my past also responded...and not in a good my posting. I knew he was also friends with this person, but gracious me...I just didn't make a fuss about the connection. Then yesterday's post sort of rattled me. He was aiming both barrels at me. And I responded...with graciousness. Why fight...why argue..what done and over. I didn't use the opportunity to make a fuss and I KNOW he was drawing me out to do just that, to say "see? I told you so!" 

Someone else I know has come across a voice from the past as well. This person he knew when she was a little girl. In a coincidence...???...her mother saw my blogsite and made mention of it to her daughter...who as it turned out, made contact with my friend. Her mother passed away suddenly--tragically--(rest in peace, Alicia..) and now this young gal is left alone to pick up the pieces. Except she has the love and support of the one she had thought forgot all about her so many years ago.

There are no accidents, no strangers....

We should always reach out in judgments, no condemnations...because we really may not know what happened to make another bitter...sad...hurting...but we can be that Light...that Love...that positive energy that can help them to put their life back in order, to leave a positive imprint on the world. Maybe our efforts will be rebuffed, then again--maybe not. But try anyway. If not for them, then for yourself. It's all about forgiveness, it's all in the letting go and moving forward.

May the peace of God be with you always. See that peace healing others. Visualize the showering of peace on each other.


  1. reminds me of a Glen Campbell song, "Try a Little Kindness." Rev, you are doing fine with these blogs, you really got this old guy to thinking. Life is short so why mess it up with negativity! Go find someone and hug them, just to see their reaction!!! Keep up the good work!

  2. Facebook is both a blessing AND a curse...yet you have chosen for it to be a blessing. Good luck to you for that!


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