how do others see YOU?

Yesterday as I was channel surfing, I caught a quick glimpse of what "The View" was offering for eye candy. The topic was about Rielle Hunter and her affair with John Edwards, the political candidate for president in 2008. Remember, his wife had breast cancer at the time. I also remember thinking of how he was so supportive of her, holding her hand and acting for all the world that he was an attentive husband. Now that she is gone, the truth has come out of his affair and subsequent child by this woman and I cringe. Since when has society been handing out medals of valor to those who break up a marriage. This is NOT innuendo or gossip, his adult daughter has confirmed the damage his cheating did to her mom. Even though, in His day, Jesus forgive the adulteress, he admonished her to go and sin no more! I don't think he would have meant for her to go on talk shows and flout her indiscretion. It is more than tacky. It shouldn't be promoted at all.
Cheating. Whether it be on a test, or on a spouse, it has the same results. Why hide something when you will almost assuredly get caught? On yet another show, "America's Got Talent," there was a male singer who made claims that he was seriously hurt while in Afghanistan and had made a huge comeback. It was revealed that he made up the part of being seriously hurt. His credibility was damaged. I am sure that is something that not only he, but all who know him will be hard pressed to live down.
"Live a life so that the preacher doesn't have to lie at your funeral," so goes the saying.
 It's true. You reap what you sow. There are many folks who seem to have everything: money, fame, houses and cars. But are they truly happy? Would you be truly happy knowing you have conducted yourself in such a way as to bring embarrassment to your friends, family...yourself? Then again, I know folks who have been true to themselves and still are castigated about it because others can't or won't tolerate it. It seems one can never win. My advice: live that life that others observe and can say: "I am proud to know him/her!"


  1. Yes there are people who think they are doing a great thing by broadcasting their sins, and many get paid good money to do so by irreverent rags who sell sex on the grocery store shelf, but are these folks REALLY happy? When the dust has quieted down, will Rielle be happy? I think not. And as you pointed out, her credibility may be harmed for a long time to come. If only people would think first, act later...a lot of pain could have been spared to all concerned.


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