"When did I see you, Lord?"

We are called to serve others with our whole hearts. Not just because it's tax time and we need a write off. Not because "you're related to me, so i have to." Not because of anything other than pure love for the comforts of ANOTHER! Mother Teresa served in her quiet, humble way. She didn't have red carpets laid out, or call press conferences. "Hey, over here!" waving her arms about. "Look at me! I am so holy!" Ha ha ha. No, she did what she did because it it was a need that had to be filled.
There are many references in the Bible about serving the needs of others. These are just a few examples of the many that Jesus performed in His day. I am sure that if He were here today, He would point out the homeless, the hungry, the ill, the addicted, the lawless...oh wait, they were there during His time on earth then, too.  So...what are you, a Pharisee, who shouted from the rooftops about their supposed holiness but were, in fact, hypocrites....or are you God-like, performing your works of good for all without benefit of recognition?
Read on:

'I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink'...Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?...'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.' Matthew 25:35, 37, 40 

At the Last Supper, Jesus demonstrated his greatest act of servant leadership. He and his 12 disciples had just finished eating when Jesus, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, knelt down at the feet of each of them and washed their feet, drying them with the towel. This overwhelming gesture made a lasting impression on the disciples, not only because it expressed pure love, but by washing their feet, Jesus laid the foundation for true servant leadership; one that has become the model for Christians today.  

In those days, all roads to Jerusalem and those within the city were dry and dusty. Since most travel consisted of walking, feet were often the dirtiest part of the body. Because it was considered a lowly task, the ritual of foot washing was usually performed by a household servant. On occasion, the host would wash a guest's feet, but only if the guest was a close friend and of equal social status. But more commonly, water would be offered for guests to wash their own feet upon entering a home.

And yet, we read in John 13:13-15 that Jesus, the Teacher and Lord, washed his disciple's feet, presenting a different side of the law than that of the Pharisees. At that time, the Pharisees ruled the religious realm. They were known for their fine robes and extensive knowledge of the Scriptures. They were often seen on street corners, with their hands raised, praying in a loud voice for all to hear. They were quick to condemn even the smallest offender, while overlooking personal acts of injustice.

The Pharisees held the people in tremendous bondage to the law, careful that no unclean act was overlooked. They were appalled when they discovered that Jesus ate with sinners and tax collectors, and mingled with people who were diseased and demon possessed because they considered them extremely unclean.

The Pharisees believed their position of leadership, including how closely they followed the letter of the law, entitled them to all the rewards of heaven. Jesus demonstrated just the opposite. The Pharisees believed they were saved from the wrath of God when in fact they were incurring it. They overlooked the heart of the law: to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love their neighbor as themselves. 

 By example, Jesus was teaching his disciples that those who want to be great in God's eyes allow themselves to be less in the eyes of man. A true servant leader offers to perform tasks no one else will do. To serve as Jesus did for the benefit of another shows the deepest level of love and humility.


  1. this is so true. Do as I say, not as I do. Hmmm....isn't this still going on, even today? You have made some great points!

  2. Treat me as you like to be treated, please dont Judas me .... and if I fail your judgements, please don't belittle me. For you, also, have faults, some may perhaps be worse than mine? Don't try to BS your way out, you know it's true.
    Think about it.

    1. and that is why we have what we have. Belittle you? I try not to. Respect you? Again, I would move heaven and earth for you! You see the beauty in me and I also in you. Isn't that the way it should be with all of us?


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