cheers to Gabby!

August 5th – Lib columnist Mary Williams on gymnast Gabrielle Douglas: “The gold medalist is a teenager of deep faith and gratitude and that can be a little unnerving.” What has Mary “unnerved?” Gabby saying this after her win: “I give all the glory to God. The glory goes up to Him and the blessings fall down on me.” A colleague of Mary remarked, “I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.” Ms. Williams then snidely asks, “What is Jesus going to do now for Gabby Douglas’ career?” Two things Mary: 1) Millions still believe “deep faith” and “gratitude” are qualities to be admired & 2) Not being as crass and as self-absorbed as you, it’s likely Gabby views her faith as much more than a smart “career move.”
I read this today and was just appalled. How can one look at this girl and be so put off by her obvious love for God? Is there never a happy ground? Better to have a celebrity in rehab, I am supposing? As I pondered this, I found a quote from the Dalai Lama that fit so well into my meandering mind:
"Peace and religious harmony come about through taking action, not necessarily through making prayers and good wishes. In order to carry action out, enthusiasm is very important, and enthusiasm comes from being clear about our goal and the possibility of our fulfilling it. Here, we need educate young people about our ultimate goal, peace in the world, and how to fulfill it by cultivating inner peace within themselves."
So there you have it. Why, my friends, the Kingdom of heaven is for such as these little ones! They know pure faith. They have not been corrupted by greed or ill will. It is instilled into them from their environment. If little Gabby grew up in such a wholesome atmosphere, more power to her. I would wish that more children grew up so loved, so supported and so secure as this child. May our examples in life make it so!


  1. throughout history, anyone with faith has been shot down, as if faith is so bad. If not for faith, we have no hope. If not for hope, we'd have no real purpose in being. I say give faith and hope a chance. Through them--we find Love. I am just finding this out. If not for one man who gave me a purpose..I'd probably have given up long ago. It doesn't matter what you past is, its what your future holds, that is the main thing.

  2. Faith. Hope. Love and the greatest of these--is Love. Love never fails. If we all cultivated Love...our world would be so full of peace. Why is this so hard to understand? Obviously the above writer feels no love, only jealousy. Maybe others can show her the Light...Rev Baum, you are a start!

  3. show by example...because words have no meaning. Well actually they do but people tend to distort words so much...if we all just show love instead of hate and jealousy and anger we'd be so much better off.

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