entertaining strangers unawares..........


Merry Christmas...ho!ho!ho! and all that stuff. Is the holiday season wearing you down yet? What is with the commercialism that is the season? In fact, who still remembers what the season is about? It is about the birth of a Savior, yet the commercials will have you believe its all about spending until the debt is so high that you become depressed.
Let me fill you in on a secret--there is NO perfect gift, no matter how much you look for it OR expect to GET it!
There also is NO perfect holiday dinner setting or recipe. The ham may be a bit burnt, it's all ok. The present may be wrapped crooked...so what? The dog just ate an ornament, the cat practically LIVES in your tree, the kids have the stomach flu, husband didn't get that bonus you had your plans all made for, the weather is crappy, grandma is crazy, Uncle Charley will always get drunk at your party, the office party gift giving thing is stupid--who wants another bottle of bubble bath, right?
HUGE sigh......
take a breath...in...out....
I am going to place you in a situation...you think about your response.
Say a young couple came to your door. It's a busy time in your city and there is no room at any of the hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts or even a truck stop! You have NO idea who these people are, but they are asking you if they can spend the night. The wife obviously looks pregnant...would you offer them a place to stay? Oh I forgot to mention, they walked here and are wearing ratty clothes and smell awful from their journey. Now what would you do?
 Gee whiz...you're expecting company yourself, just how can you fit them in...and what if they want to ROB you...then what? How can you trust them?
How can you afford NOT to trust them?
You glance at the presents you already have wrapped...what IF you let them in and they expected something...you don't have enough...or do you? I mean, you bought enough so that each person you invited gets four gifts each...silk scarves, cashmere sweaters, warm socks....an iPad...

"Do unto others, as you'd have them do unto you..."
"Whatsoever you do unto others, you have done unto me," Jesus said....

You smile, throw the door open wide, welcome them in, show them the shower, a warm bed, tell them they can stay as long as they need to. You will make arrangements come morning to help them...

...and God smiled.


  1. Freakin' A...God! you know how to touch those buttons! This column has me CRYING...and I am a GUY for heaven's sake!!! You make your point without us realizing we have just been sucked in...until it hits us. So often we look the other way, it's all about US, right? If only we can see it's actually all about another. Even St Therese the little flower said that to do small things brings great joy. YOU bring us all joy. Thank you!


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