moving along.......
Enough has been said of all the trouble in the world. There is much more to be said of all the beauty and the blessing evident and dormant in the world.
It strikes me sometimes that
there are many who are proud of the troubles they have. They may be
convinced that they have the worst troubles in the world.No matter what advice they have been given, they laud their problems about, as if seeking an award for the drama they have created!
Please do not think for one moment that troubles are your badge of
honor. No longer count your troubles and weigh them. No longer pick your
troubles out as the worst in the world and therefore crown them as the
biggest and worst troubles in the world. As you crown your troubles, you
keep them, never letting them out of your sight.
Life is like a road you walk on. Sometimes you walk on the golden brick
road, and sometimes you walk on sharp stones, and sometimes your feet
are mired in mud. You are not - I repeat - you are not what your shoes
stand on or what sticks to them. You are not your shoes. Troubles are
something you get past, and it is you who must get past them. When you
are stuck in mire, you have to step out. Wherever your feet stand now,
you have to move. Big troubles, lesser troubles, the conduct is the
same. Move along.
You may complain about the same situation again and again. You forget
that you are the mover of your own life. You are your own green light
and stop light.
Perhaps you wait for a signal from somewhere telling you to get up. Trouble itself is the signal. In the world, it is not always possible to escape trouble when it pursues you, and yet it is possible to get up from it.
All the extant world is temporary. And that includes trouble. Let go of the past, let go of your wounds. If your wound is the loss of a loved one, then get your attention off yourself. Your loved one does not want a tomb dedicated to him. Your loved one wants you to live life again. If you want to make a tribute to your loved one, get up and go on with life.
Rise above the idea that life has
treated you badly. Rise above the idea that life treated you unfairly.
It is unfair of you to set a stake into the ground to claim yourself as
put upon. If you want to let in the sunlight, get up and open the
curtains. Move over into the light that is waiting for you.
drama...boy you said it! I used to...USED to have a friend who thrived on it! Oh my...if all the world wasn't falling all over her imagined troubles, she'd get pissed and write you off. Soon she had no friends left...and then blamed everyone for not understanding her! what a nutjob! She even wrote off her dad because he didn't fall for her every whim. Now that, to me, is selfish!