let's recharge our batteries!!

for today, let's go to a quiet place....to re-energize ourselves after the madness of the past two weeks....breathe...and say this prayer with me:

Our Father,

As we start this new year, we often hear the phrase, "out with the old and in with the new". We know there are certainly many things that we would like to change and replace in our lives and many things that we would never wish to change...things that are comfortable and bring us a sense of security. Most of us are creatures of habit and we can be like a child, clinging tightly to a favorite worn out toy or old worn out blanket. Sometimes we don't want to give up something good, for the promise of something better. May we always be mindful Lord, that your ways are not our ways. You always have a greater plan envisioned for us than we can see for ourselves. If you take something from our hands, it is for a purpose....for our good and your glory. Help us to remember that you only give good gifts to your children, Lord.

We know that you give us many examples in nature that parallel our lives and one is the pruning of vines and trees in winter. You compare yourself to a vine dresser and we are the vines. We see how trees and vines are cut back to ugly stumps, limbs and roots. It can seem illogical to so harshly trim these things so they can bear more fruit. But we see each spring and summer that it was a wise thing to do when we see more foliage and more fruit. As it is in nature, so it is in our lives as well. You are never content to leave us the same, because you love us too much. You always want more and better things for us, Lord. You always want us to make the most of our time and to experience the fullness that you have to offer. Sometimes you cut out diseased things that keep us from being the best we can be, and sometimes you remove even good things to replace them with something better. Change is hard, but you are good Lord and you never leave us to face these changes alone.

Help us as we move forward in this new year, to learn to trust you more Lord. We will never understand all of your ways this side of heaven, but we don't need to understand to follow...just as we expect our children to trust us even when they can't understand our reasons or motives, may we trust you with child like faith knowing that you, our Abba Father, only want the best for us and everything you allow is for a reason.

We love you Lord and we know that you will be with us every step of the way in this new year. Have your way with us Lord that we may bear much good fruit for your Kingdom. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Blessings be upon you today!


  1. I always start out the new year on a positive note but somewhere that turns out the opposite of what I wish for myself. Huge sigh...let's roll on, shall we!?


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