graceful acceptance of forgiveness...

Forgiveness. When it is offered to you, do you accept it, or hold the initial grudge for the power it gives to you?

A couple of weeks ago, I inadvertently let slip a piece of information another did not want "everyone" to know about. It was a completely innocent mistake...I had no idea of how it may have been accepted. Once done, it was done. Well...I was given the third degree for it in a very rude way, with several cuss words added on for good measure. Although I apologized sincerely, I have not heard from said person again. I ask myself if I want that "closure," that all is well once again? Or is it better to just let it fall and hope that maybe the person does have forgiveness in their heart and just can't say it out loud?

It is so easy to hang onto the hurt. After all, we have been wronged! We are angry/saddened/hurt by the slight. We want revenge! We want justice! We beat our chests and grunt manly like because we are in the right!

Look at it from the other side, though. If someone apologizes to you and means what advantage is it for you to not reciprocate, shake hands and move forward? Now we have one person who is feeling justified for the anger and the other feeling humiliated because whether it was intentional or accidental, they are seeking forgiveness, a way to heal the breach.

Look at your actions. Really look at them. When have you refused another forgiveness? Remember....we are all sinners. We have all made mistakes...yes you have! Don't deny it! Yet to impugn another is just as bad, if not worse, than the initial incident that caused the breach. Does this make sense to you?
If someone is holding out their hand...forgive them. Even if they don't seek forgiveness...forgive them anyway. Give up the power and the need to control...just move on. Life is too short for grudges!


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