if not YOU--then...who??

Without getting too political, I have noticed in the news more stories of unrest in many parts of the world. Nation rising against nation, countries who are extolling their might using scare tactics such as mustard gas, ricin and nuclear weapons.
Haven't we crossed this road before, many times, in fact? Who wins?
Can anyone please tell me? Look at Egypt. Just two years ago, there were big celebrations. A new president was chosen. Look at them now.....they just ousted the very person they elected. More riots. More unrest...more...noise and cacophony.
it boggles my mind.

If you are looking to an elected official to make your life easier....look again. Those in power cater to a much higher audience. They get elected by those with money...and now it seems they must bow to their bidding. Joe and Jane Little Person mean nothing anymore.

But wait! Why should we wait for them to "help" us? Do we not have two arms...two legs and a mouth to speak? If you see a situation that cries for help...why not just step in and do it? Jesus certainly did not tell the people of His day, "yeah, well, there's this thing called Medicare...or Social Security...it's supposed to help you and as for you, young widow with six kids....the food stamp line is just around the corner! Oh and by the way, if you over there are waiting for a heart transplant, well...your insurance just doesn't cover it. Sorry..."
No...He healed the sick, fed the hungry, clothed the naked and told US that if we also do it for others, then we have done it for Him! Wow...no Pharisee or tax collector involved here!

So shall it be for us all. Today when I walked out of the grocery store, I saw the collector's bin for the Food shelf just heaped to overflowing with food for the poor. It made my heart glad that folks won't be going hungry for awhile in my community!

Be a hero...be that someone who can make a true difference. You don't need to be elected to do so.....just do it!


  1. WOW! you got that right!!! Without politics...our world would be so much better!!!! Or should I say...without dirty politics!


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