what lessons have we learned in Florida?


A verdict has come in in the state of Florida that has many people across our country riled up. It seems that the one who killed a 17 year old boy was acquitted of all charges, based on the fact that he was using self defense. The only witneses to this crime were the ones involved in it--the defendent and the one who is now dead. Many have said this is a trial that was racially profiled: a Hispanic man killing a black boy. Therefore, in cities such as Oakland, CA, as well as other cities across America, we now have riots breaking out with many buildings being destroyed and people being hurt or killed.

What the media has sorely missed is that also in Florida, a black woman was convicted of using force against her estranged husband against whom she had a restraining order. He violated that order and she threatened him with a knife and is now facing twenty years in prison! He is still alive, still able to be free. Where is the "racial profiling now?" Where is the outcry that a woman, in fear of HER life, also used self defense to protect herself and was found guilty? Why is it ok for a man to beat his wife, but another man is set free for killing another?

Why the outrage...why the need to destroy? Why the bitter hate?

"If you want peace, you must work for justice!" So goes the saying.

If you want peace in your neighborhoods, you need to go out and meet those who live there, pass through there, or for any reason are there. You do not go out in aggression, rather you build up community by getting to know those who also inhabit that space. By getting to know those around you, maybe you could have foreseen the troubles between a husband and wife and made an effort to intervene before it got out of hand. Maybe if we have a built up community, kids like Trayvon Martin could have been given a chance to see another day instead of being attacked due to alleged suspicious reasons. If we have a built up community, we could foster positive growth...or if growth is needed, we can be the outreach to make it happen. If we reach out to others in friendship with a willingness to be where we need to be, violence, harm, hurt and sorrow won't be as commonplace, because we would all have a desire to work FOR one another instead of treating others as antagonists.
But who am I to talk?
More important...who is willing to listen?


  1. it's so easy to say, "love your neighbor." Who is our neighbor? It is the folks you meet each day from every walk of life. One only needs to be reminded of the good Samaritan to know that this has been an issue since day One...and will continue to be an issue until the world ends. Sad but true. Unless----you want to start a revolution? Pay it forward, to everyone you meet...until the whole world is covered in love!

  2. it's amazing...when a hurricane hits...when bombers hit Boston...we are all one. Yet when something happens we don't agree with, we go to great lengths to make sure others are as miserable as we think we are. Maybe we need more hurricanes???? Just a thought there.

  3. the media has turned this whole thing into a circus of their choosing. Tomorrow it will be another hapless situation. What the media needs to focus more of is folks helping each other out, being an inspiration to each other. Instead of inciting riots just because a jury vote didn't swing their way is ridiculous!


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