a sad tragedy this week...

I normally don't get too caught up in the misadventures of "celebrities," because many of the things they do are just to elicit attention into the vanity of their lives. However, the events of the past week beg for me to say something.

A Minnesota Vikings football player, Adrian Peterson, lost a two year old son, whom he didn't know he even had until recently, to someone who abused this poor boy so badly that he died from his injuries. The country is all abuzz in sympathy for Peterson, and not too may have acknowledged the tragedy of the fact that a child died due to child abuse. The other sad fact is that the child died at the hands of someone his mother had just met who had a record a mile long of violations, including abuse against his own son who is about the same age. Many are mourning for Peterson, but not acknoledging the fact also that he also has a son who is the same age as his deceased son, which means that Peterson has been very busy in the baby department.

Morals? Ethics? Or just tom -catting around?

Had this been anyone else who is not an elite member of the spotlight, he would have been vilified for spreading his seed around so negligently, without a care as to what happens next. Yet because he is the "golden boy" of football hero-dom, he is above blame. I am not saying that we should cast stones, what I am saying is that this is a lesson to all of us who go about our life, leaving our footprints scattered about....once we see what indelible marks we have left behind, we are never the same.

The best way to make this situation better would be for Peterson to use his celebrity status to talk about child abuse. To work towards making others realize that a life is a life, no matter if you are a celebrity or a common citizen from a never before heard of small town. A Life is a Life! At any age, at any stage!

What can you or I do? Can we do anything to ensure that this tragedy doesn't recur? If we recognize the fact that it is wrong to just hike up the skirt or pull down the zipper because it's "game on!" When the fun is over, there may be a consequence that is a forever aspect of that encounter. Now what? You may have a child who didn't ask to be conceived, yet here it is, a responsibility that you may not be prepared for. Does that mean the child must pay for the indiscretion? I think not. A child is a gift from God. How are we accepting this gift if we neglect it, abuse it or otherwise prove that, to us, it is an inconvenience?

Just something for you to think about....


  1. one cannot judge what one doesn't see. But we are all responsible for our own lives The sad fact that this occurred is a tragedy for all of us, not just the parents of the child, but the hole he has left in the world because of his absence. This is what abuse does, it takes away the potential for good. it is a tragedy!


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