separating the sinner from the sin....

Sinner. Now there is a word that many of us do NOT want to admit about ourselves, that we are a sinner. We think that if we do "good enough" by others, that we are absolved of sin. But that is not the case. This goes all the way back to a place in which a man, a woman, a serpent and a stupid piece of fruit come into play. Ever since then, we have all worn that mantle. It's our actions and thoughts that can help to deter us from an occasion of sin..or lead us straight TO it...but no matter what, we all are sinners.

There are those who do things that, despite trying as hard as they can, can still get them into a peck of trouble. Take drinking. Having a drink is not a sin in itself. It's perfectly OK to drink....even Jesus turned water into wine, so it is not a sin to drink. It's  HOW MUCH we drink that it becomes a problem. Too much alcohol can turn us into raving lunatics. We go on binges, we drink and drive and maybe kill a family of six in a minivan. The news is full of those stories. Sadly, the drinker usually is the only survivor....leaving a lifetime of "what if's" flying through his or her mind for the rest of their life. A lifetime of drinking also leads one to becoming an alcoholic. Now here is where things become very tricky.

You drink until you get drunk on a regular basis. One can be a functioning person from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. Come six pm, why, it's Miller time! This Bud's for YOU! Step to the plate, it's time for Coors! Those commercials would have you believe that with one hoist of your wrist, the world become a magical place, with you as the rockstar! Except those commercials show fun times, happy people and beautiful scenery. They don't show what happens after the sixth, seventh or twelfth drink. I have seen it, lived it, I KNOW what happens! I have seen the morning after. I have been a victim of blows rained on me from a drunk man. I have heard the slurred words, the lies, the promises, the denials. I have seen the damage from crashing into furniture, the overturned chairs, the broken dishes. I have heard the promises of "just one more...and I promise to never do it again!" I have lived through the pain of what an alcoholic can be...can do...and they don't realize it why? Because they are too drunk to know or to care. We tell them what happened during their blackouts. They of course, deny it! Because they don't remember. They maybe tell their friends of how the wife (or husband) is a real bitch (or bastard) always accusing them of being someone they aren't...and usually it's as they are hoisting another cold brew to their lips. It's usually only when the drastic episode occurs, such as a car accident, a job loss or when their loved ones tell them, "we can't do this anymore!" and walk out, or throw them out, that they look life in the eye and quit...and sometimes, even that doesn't phase them.

These become the homeless ones you see, walking around unkempt, slovenly, and they die way too young from liver failures, exposure to the elements or from getting killed by other factors.
So....what a vicious cycle this is. In my mind, I ask, I cry, I beg God..."what would Jesus do?" How would He react?

My friend...He would react with compassion. He would feel for the alcoholic....He would feel for the pain the observers around that alcoholic are feeling. He understands that we are helpless...our hands are bound because we cannot control the drinker, only the drinker can do that. He would also realize that some people are just NOT strong ENOUGH to save themselves, that despite all the treatments they have gone through, that nothing works. He would understand this because alcohol is one mean bitch...and she will not let go so easily. Alcohol is seductive, alluring and will stop at nothing until she gets what she wants. If an alcoholic what? There are more victims just around the corner...and she moves on to claim them.

Do what I do...lay your hand in Jesus's hand.....cry your heart out to Him for guidance, for help. Ask Him to lead you, to help you to feel compassion for the one who is hurting themselves and all else in his or her path. Pray for strength, for help in getting through just this one day. Yes, just one day at a time. That is all we can do.
My friend, you are not alone....just reach out!

 I have written a book called, "There, but for the Grace of God (plus a few good friends & family) Go I." This book has testimonies from many who are on the precpice of death, just one drink away from hell. Please feel free to read it; my only hope is that you gain the knowledge to see life from their eyes and perhaps grow in compassion and gain strength for yourself. It is available through this link at, both in paperback as well as Kindle:

There but for the Grace of God   (Click on this link) 


  1. we are the survivors...and yet, it is hard for me to do just as you said. I feel so shell shocked..and I just don't know how to come to grips with my guy's drinking. This does help me...thank you

  2. you realize that you are talking to the choir. Drinking has always been and always will be around. You can't stop it any more than you can stop a speeding train!

  3. This will touch more hearts than you realize. You are so kind. Yes, alcohol is one mean bitch. I read that book that you mentioned almost every day. I have been sober for over a year now but crave that drink as if it were the last hour. I have come so far, I will not let myself down this time. So...thank you...and a hearty hello to rob!

  4. I just stumbled upon this post. I am suffering from a hangover, just was told by my boss that I have been fired for missing yet another day of work because I binge drank last night. The wife...she left me two weeks ago and I am faced with bills, an eviction notice and more. All because of that one last drink. I have two choices. I can wallow in booze and self pity but at some point, I will be living in the street. Or I can go to AA yet again, admit, yet again, my failures and start over, yet again. I can't tell you how this will all end. I can only tell you that today, it needs anew beginning. I will print this off, tape it to my mirror, to the refrigerator, to anything that needs a reminder, yes even to the steering wheel of my car. Look at the mess I have become. I know I can do better. Please pray for me. my name is Ben and I am an alcoholic.

  5. such truth to this post! and truth hurts...but so does watching someone drink themselves to death.


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