are YOU doing to another...what you would want to have done to you?


Are you one of many people who gets the motto, "do unto others..." confused? I have heard so many folks say it as if to mean that if someone has hurt you, then so be it, the gloves come off and it's an all out war!
Friends, that is NOT what is meant by "do unto others!" Jesus taught us to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you!" Repeat after you would have them do unto YOU! In other words, if you want respect, then you must offer it. If you don't want to be lied to, cheated on, harassed, or any other horrible deed, then you must NOT do those things either.

I just read of someone who sent a nasty letter to another neighbor who was trying to lose weight. Ok, this was on the true can it be, you're asking. But let's say that it IS true. Let's say that there you are, obese, (which is enough to ostracize anyone these days) and doing the best that you can to lose weight. Good for you, I say! Yet because you may not fit the mold of what others expect you to already BE, they send you a horrible note downplaying your efforts. How would that make you feel?
Folks, we are talking about empathy...or the lack of it here! Walk in my shoes, feel what I feel, see what I see.
And..."do unto you would have them do unto you!"
If you want to be lovable.
If you want to be helped, be helpful.
If you want others to like you for who you are...then be likeable.
It is that simple!
Here is the note.....I would really hope that beginning today, anyone who sees themselves in this post can turn the ship of their lives around before it is too late.


  1. some people though really do deserve a good slap upside the head. Just saying.

  2. I don't know....what would Jesus do if He himself were overweight? But then again, He felt so many emotions that we all have had at one time or another....He knows what He was talking about...why can't we walk His walk?


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