in praise of the lowly--and mighty--sunflower!


Ah, sunflowers. I have quite a few of them in my gardens, planted by scattering seeds here and there. What the squirrels didn't dig up...or what they buried, are now just about ready to burst forth in bloom.
Last night I noticed how they all faced west with the setting sun. Their heads were curved as far as they could, absorbing the sun's heat and energy. This morning I was up and about at 5:30 am and there they were, now facing EAST! During the night, they anticipated the sun's arrival by positioning themselves where they could once again take full advantage of the sun's rays.
It never ceases to amaze me, the things that God has planned for living things considred lower than a human being.
If God can figure out plants...if he can somehow, through instinct, show salmon, birds, butterflies, turtles and more how to migrate back to the place of their origin to procreate...what makes you think He also doesn't have YOUR life laid out before you?

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

So often, we get so caught up in the "what if...?" feeling of fear and doubt that we miss the oppotunities that God has put before us for our good. Although we are not puppets....God will never force us to choose a certain path because we have free will, in whatever path we do choose-- He will see us through. It is no different that when we were raising young children. Yes, we watch  as they go down the slide all by themselves...or learn to ride a bike. They may- and probably will- fall down. Are we not there to help them back up, to wipe the tears from their eyes and set them on their way again?
Wouldn't God...who is even more for you...if you ask?
I think so!

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26

Have no fear...God is with you, even to the end of time. All you need to do is rely on His wisdom, understanding and guidance. Anticipate His arrival each day, much as the sunflower does. He will never let you down!


  1. What sounds good on paper sure can leave us frazzled some days! We can't see into a murky future, so of course we will panic! It's human nature, I think!


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