in memory of....(place name here)


My husband's uncle passed away last night after a very brave battle against the cancer that eventually robbed him of his life...of the chances he still could have had to be able to interact with family and friends. He was very active in both, hunting, watching his grandkids live and grow up....

I guess this is true of many of us. We humbly go through life, living, working, giving birth, planning vacations- when suddenly, there is that roadblock ahead that warns us of a detour. For some, the detour is navigated and all is well. For others, the detour means that the road is officially closed permanently and we must be content with the journey that we have undertaken up to this point.

How about you? Are you satisfied with the journey you have had so far? Have you stopped to smell the roses...have you looked around and actually heard the birds, taken pride in the cry of a baby...embraced someone who needed a hug "just because"...or have you charged through on all four cylinders, heedless of others around you, figuring that you have forever? "I'm IMMORTAL!" you scream out as you narrowly toss another over the side of a cliff. "I got this!" you cry out as someone clings to the edge and you whiz by, not hearing their plea.

Friend....oh my...I have been at the side of those who were on the precipice of eternal reward. I have held their hands, I have looked...REALLY looked within their hearts and felt that they know..."this is it. This is the fork in the road and you cannot come along--not right now, anyway." I have prayed with them and have witnessed the sweet relief that they feel...they just know deep down that they are understood. It is my prayer that the journey they were on has made them feel whole...complete. That all of the loose ends have been tied up in a bright red bow...that the words that have needed to be said have been said...the deeds that needed to be done were done...that lives have been changed--for the better--all because they were graced to have been a presence on earth. In some cases, I know this to be others, sadly, my own mother for one, I know it was not. we ever get a do-over? Sometimes, by the grace of God, yes. My husband can attest to that. For others, no. And...sometimes, we don't know when that fork in the road will show up. That is why it is so important that we make those memories when we can. We have no idea what that next bend in  the road will lead us it another stretch of roadway...or is it the cliff that we fly off of?

Only you can answer that question. How are you living your life today? Don't put this one off until tomorrow! You do NOT have tomorrow! None of us do! Don't wait until your father is on death's door, looking for approval that he can leave in peace! Don't wait to settle that argument with your brother until YOU feel it is convenient! Don't just expect life to tidy itself up...YOU have to be the one to take that step and make things right, because that road...that journey--goes both ways. Who we pass on the way to where we are going makes a lot of difference in how we reach the next leg of this journey we are on.

I am sharing a passage sent to me, I feel it is apt for this right now:
"I think about war veterans and how they talk about the tight bond that is forged as men share a a foxhole together. Well, God is in your foxhole with you right now and when you emerge from this battle you're in, you will have an even deeper bond with Him than you did before. Keep your eyes on Him, not the battle. He's got your back. He will protect you, fight for you and carry you when you are too weak and overwhelmed to go on by yourself. He never grows tired or weary, you can rest knowing that He is your shield, protector and fortress.

May you find comfort, peace and rest knowing that nothing is going to happen to you today that you and the Lord can't handle together! The battle is already won...your victory is assured...don't believe the lies or your emotions that say what you are facing is too much to might be for you if you had to face it on your own, but greater is He that is in you, than anything you will face in this world. You can do all things through Him and nothing is impossible for those who believe."
Look around grateful for the journey that you have had thus far. Stop...look...listen....and then...move on....oh, and by the way--don't forget to point out all of the attractions to another as you go forth!
May the peace of the Lord be with you all.


  1. may rob find peace at this time. so sorry to hear the news. Please pass my condolences along.

  2. So sorry for the sad news. Life is so precious...would that ALL could realize its impact before the regrets kick in!


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