two questions...

So much sadness in the news lately...and I do believe the news media thrives on that. However, even without the reporting, bad things would happen. Unfortunately, it is occurring much more than it needs to.

Just yesterday, seven teens ages 12-18 were caught beating up on homeless people in Wichita, Kansas. They were part of an urban basketball team there from Minneapolis for a tournament.
A 14 year old boy was caught in a high speed chase, yes, you read that right, in Minnesota after robbing cars and stealing one, taking it on a two day joyride. Yes, he was just 14.

When parents are questioned, invariably their response is: "he is just a "typical" teenager." Hmmm...typical? By whose standards? Because if you raised that child right, if that child is disciplined and taught respect, there is no way they will end up beating up homeless people and stealing cars! Where is the empathy? What about compassion?

There are two questions that we need to ask ourselves before we act on any impulse. The first one is this: "will it do harm to any other living thing?"
The second is: "do the ends justify the means?"

Case in point: a lion in Zimbabwe was killed by a Minnesota dentist as  part of a trophy hunt.  This lion was wearing a GPS collar, which eventually lead researchers to what was left of the body. Do the ends --the hunt--justify the means? This dentist's business had signs posted on the building itself that were not very friendly, causing it to shut down. As people picketed outside the business, there were threats on this man's life. No doubt the rest of the employees who work there are now wondering where the next paycheck will be coming from. The ripple effect is enormous. Did it harm any living thing? Well, there was the lion, but more important, those who depended on this job for their grocery and rent money, yes, it did harm them.

Case in point: it has been one year since the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri that lead to rioting of much of the town. Do the ends- in this case, the death of a young man--justify the means-- a town needing to be rebuilt? I say no. There are other options of stating one's displeasure, destroying a whole town is NOT one of them! Again, the ripple effect is that many innocent business owners, some who had no insurance, were inconvenienced in finding other means of income.

Case in point: a woman finds herself pregnant. She chooses to not be inconvenienced by carrying this child to term, so she chooses abortion. In this country, she does not need to ask anyone's permission. Not the father of the baby, not the two sets of grandparents, who would love that child; no, she decides it on her own. Do the ends justify the means....especially when there are other alternatives available to her? Does it harm any living thing? You bet it does!

People wonder why our society is eroding. These three examples are just the tip of the iceberg. I see it every day, the constant disrespect shown towards others: rude drivers who cut off people, neighbors picking on neighbors for imagined slights, even postings on social media bring out the worst in some people, who stoop so low as to name call, troll and threaten others, all because an opinion doesn't match their own!

Wake up, friends!!!! Before you act, THINK! Think real hard about what the impact is of saying or doing what you are so tempted to say or do! Think also of who else is in the room with you...a child? An impressionable someone who, upon witnessing your outbursts, now thinks its a normal thing to do and will do it. Is it reasonable? no. Is it acceptable? no. Do you think it's agreeable? No? Then why do it at all?

If you want peace, YOU must work for justice. YOU must be the light bearer in this dark world. YOU must be the the one who says, "enough!" and then, make that change. Will you be popular? Maybe...but more than likely, no. But...which would you rather have...a slew of fake friends...or a few who will side with you...and who will support your decision by also making the world a more polite place to be?
It's YOUR call!


  1. Love that you didn't pull the race card when talking about the riots in Missouri!!! Because what really it comes down to is...its just people against people. Skin color has nothing to do with it. You're either a jerk...or you're not.

  2. that ripple effect part is what hooked me. If not for this....all of the "what if's...?" had I not been where I was, I wouldn't have met a young woman and she became the most important thing that ever happened to me. I wasn't supposed to be in Albuquerque, an assistant of my dad was to work on a construction project. BUT, I was there...and stopped for coffee where another lady was...she who had taken a shift for someone who was sick. See what I mean? It's incredible, for which I am grateful.


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