the true Christmas story...

And so, as the holidays are blasted at us from every angle, from loud commercials to clunky music blaring from the radio, it is time to give ourselves pause...and listen. Not to the ads persuading us that a "brand new Buick" is the "perfect gift" for us...but rather, listen to the stillness of your heart. To hear the Voice of God, you must empty out the distractions of this world; thus the reason Jesus frequented the mountains alone to hear the Voice of His Father in heaven.

Two thousand years ago, our world was in need of more help than just the voices of the prophets. In fact, the last prophet, John the Baptist, was beheaded for announcing Jesus' arrival. "He is the One who comes after me, yet I am not even worthy to untie the straps of His sandals." If you read the Christmas narrative, why did the leaders of that time fear the news of a "new king?" So much so that babies were slaughtered and literally an all points bulletin put out to find this "king" and kill him. It was repeated again at the end of Jesus' earthly ministry as well, and this time, carried out. The joy that announced His arrival as a baby was clouded by punishment...and once again, the joy that heralded His arrival in Jerusalem during Passover 33 years later was carried out again--in punishment. This is the dark side of this holiday we celebrate...this is what we don't talk about as we gleefully decorate our trees and scour the stores for deals. Jesus made the best deal of all--for US! Does this just take your breath away or what?

As life continues, we are faced with many hardships. There is not one of us who can't say, looking back, that there hasn't been at least one event that has brought us to our knees. While meandering around a thrift store yesterday, I found and bought a plaque that says, "when life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars!" Oh, how true that is! I have witnessed my share of pain, both physical as well as emotional. I have seen friends come and go, been the whipping post for family members whose actions conflict with mine and much more. Therein lies the reason for the whole Christmas thing in the first place: Jesus came to forgive as well as to teach US to forgive. From the moment He was born in an unforgiving land to the moment when He died on that Cross, His life story was all about forgiving! He gave His life for us so that we could have eternal life. We, in turn, were told to forgive others, not just once but many times. The gift that keeps giving, presented to us in the form of a baby, under circumstances that, at that time in history, were not very forgiving at all.

Turn off those loud commercials that extort you to take out a small loan to make others happy. Things don't make us happy! Oh sure, winning the lottery may seem like heaven, but trust me, when the money is gone, the burdens are still there. In fact, having more excess creates more issues. 

Follow Jesus' lead: "take all you have, give to the poor and come follow Me!" Build up for yourselves treasures in heaven. That is the true meaning of Christmas right there.


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