cancel culture?

"Cancel Culture." What do those two words mean? I only heard about t last week in a text from someone and didn't fully understand what it meant. Then I heard it again today and with it, the explanation of what it means. Basically, it means that if you post something on social media, others can disagree with you (which is OK) but then they can also "unfriend" you.

Which just goes to show how shallow we as a society have become. "Say what I want to hear or else, poof! You're gone from my feed!"

Really? So it's an either/or situation? No halfway meeting of the minds anymore?

What has happened to our world that we are so casual about people? Friends in name only until something happens to change that? How third grade is THAT attitude?

I grew up in a tenuous situation in which I was bullied a lot. A LOT. The old saying of how sticks and stones may break bones, but names and faces won't hurt you? Yep, I lived that. The pain though, of those names lingered for quite a long time.

Well, now if you don't like what someone says, not only can you fire off a mean reply, you can then block or unfriend someone so they cannot reply back. Pretty petty, if you ask me.

In Jesus' day, He had many friends, many people whom the religious leaders of His time did not approve of. Jesus didn't bat an eyelash. His reply? "Woe to you, hypocrites...!" The leaders of that time were the "do as I say, not as I do" type, thus Jesus' remark. Sadly, in today's climate, people are nasty and getting even more so. Common sense has flown right out the window and contempt for another's opinion seems to be the "new moral ground."

Except that it is not moral to defame, demean or destroy another, all in the name of "I'm right and you're not!" Even if...they truly are not! 

To draw a line in the sand and make sure no one crosses it is delusional thinking. Whatever happened to give and take, to listening to another, to giving credence to opinions that cause one to perhaps rethink their own status? If what I say doesn't meet your standards, is it right to call someone out, as if they are a complete moron, just to pass your own agenda? How does that solve anything?

Look at what is happening across America today! Cities are being looted and destroyed because hate-filled groups feel they have carte blanche to do it. There is very little respect and a whole lot of breaking of most, if not all, of the Ten Commandments. God's day of reckoning is coming faster than many will believe. Not knowing the day or time will find many in a place that others wouldn't wish on anyone. On this, I know exactly which side of that line in the sand I will be about you?


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