walking in His footsteps


As we enter into Holy Week, we see the crowd cheering for Jesus, laying palms down before Him as He enters into Jerusalem. Yet, in a few days, they will jeer Him and call for His crucifixion. 

How can people turn on someone so quickly? How can support for someone who raised their dead, healed their sick and more turn so hateful?

I would be more than grateful if Jesus raised someone whom I loved from the dead. Last month, my sweet husband, whom I have known for 12 years, passed away from a long term illness. I was with him to the very end. I often prayed, "Thy will be done," in terms of watching him suffer and wanting it to be over, yet knowing that even as I surrendered my will to Him, I was going to lose someone so special to me. I have reread all of his notes, his e-mails, I have photos of him everywhere, but it isn't the same as coming home to see his smile, feel his warm hug, to embrace him in thought, word and deed. The house now is cold, empty, as empty, I am sure as the tomb was on Easter morning. Jesus was raised from the dead and the ONLY reason that I was able to surrender my will to God's was that hope that there'd be a day when we would reunite.

And so, had Jesus been there and raised him, I sure would have been ever so grateful! I would have given Jesus all the support I could. Crucify Him? Hardly! I'd validate Him with every breath I took.

We can still do that today...validate the Lord. How? By our words, our actions. Feeding the hungry, caring for the ill. Being a source of support when one is depressed. Offering comfort to those who weep and so much more. Jesus Himself said that "whoever does it for these also does it for Me."

To validate, to assist, to nurture, to love each other, even as Jesus has loved us.

Have hope. If you have lost someone so dear, if your days feel empty, cry if you must, but also, lift up your head and know that it is BECAUSE of this week, BECAUSE Jesus loved us all so much that He gave His very life for us so that we may have life eternally! It is not a maybe, it is a promise. Give yourself and all you have to God and see what happens. You are the hands and feet of Jesus. You are His voice in this sad world. Be the voice of Hope. Be the change you want to see happen.


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