Running with the Son!
Running with the Son: Keeping our eyes on the Prize!
Lord, help me run true to the race
not deviate upon the trace,
seek your ways in all I do
keeping straight, my eyes on you
In our life, it seems that we run the rat race every day: work, recreation, chauferring our kids to school activities and so much more.
But to run the race with Jesus, what does that entail? Too many of us are complacent, God is an afterthought. On Sundays, it is easier to plan that football party or outing than to spend time with the Lord...then we wonder why and how our lives have become so unmanageable!
But why just Sunday...why not every moment of every day?
I am working with author Patsy Shannon on a new book that is filled with devotions, Bible verses, as well as stories of her own personal experiences with Jesus. Her story goes from rags to riches in terms of winning awards for her endeavors on the track and field...but Jesus...where was He in all of this? As her relationship with Jesus grows, she realized that awards mean very little if Jesus isn't first and foremost in her life. It isn't the EXtrinsic value of our lives that will matter when we stand before God at the end of our time here on earth, it is the INtrinsic values we have cultivated while here!
This soon to be published book will inspire you, whether or not you run, jog, walk...however you spend time with Jesus, it is imperitive that your "walk" be a daily devotion. The more you cultivate a relationship with Him, the more you will see, as you look back over the events of your life, that He was there with you in the storms of your life, as well as in the joys!
"Running With the Son: Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize!"
....stay tuned for more information on how to get this much anticpated book!
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