Riding Busses
Daily inspiration: Not that long ago, I watched a movie called "Riding the Bus with my Sister." In it, a developmentally disabled young gal whose dad passed away now needed to be cared for by her older siblings. Her brother called "not it!" and so, it was up to Big Sister to take charge.
Except that Big Sister didn't want to.Little sister Beth spent her days taking the city busses and knew everything there was to know about the route system, the drivers and people who rode the busses, many of whom became her friends. They saw something in her that Big Sister didn't...that she was a person of value and worth, even as some sneered how she was "wasting her time...taking advantage of the (welfare) system...she needs to get a job!" Beth wasn't affected by those comments, she was on a mission and so...onward through the fog she went!
Beth has to be reminded to shower, she likes her stash of chips and soda, she enjoys her schedule of how she gets things done. Her sister, a very well to do photographer, feels otherwise and wants to make her into something she isn't. Over time, as they ride the busses together, she realizes how independent her little sister truly is.
I cried as I watched this, as that was MY sister also, my baby sister. We were seven years apart and she was my nemesis all the while we were kids: always got into my stuff, always hung out with me when my friends would come over, always wanted to be included and I always pushed her away.

It wasn't until she hit age 18 and I, 25 when I realized what a special person she was. Not special as in "disability" but special...REAL! She had no malice towards anyone, while I, in my heart, had wished she would just disappear from the landscape.
I am so ashamed now, looking back on it.
She died way too young, when she was only 25. It was a very quick and unexpected death and my heart grieved deeply that I didn't appreciate her as my little sister for far longer.
Jesus told us that when we do things for "the least of these, you do it for me." But was SHE the "least of these?" Looking back over my life and seeing how people treat each other, with cruelty, malice and a sense of quid pro quo, I have to wonder who truly IS the least...surely it could not have been her...her heart was so genuine, while mine over the years, I admit, has had issues that needed tissues, issues that included anger, issues that included so much of who she wasn't.
To have a pure heart is the ability to see God, as Jesus reminded us in His Beatitudes. When she passed, I found her diary and as I read it, I realized, her heart WAS pure, as passage after passage spoke of her love for Jesus!...no wonder her passing was quick; like Beth, she had to get on that proverbial bus to meet Jesus and I'm sure they both are welcoming others to that glorious place called heaven!
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