
Showing posts from November, 2012

random acts of kindness

entertaining strangers unawares..........

of moms and such.....

what is the "true meaning" of Christmas?

one day at a time......

"keep going...don't EVER quit!"

I cannot pray if...

A Thanksgiving Perspective......

a moment of gratitude!

pick up the phone--it's for YOU!

throwing darts

is that 'fling' really worth it? REALLY?

regrets that can break you forever

can you do over your life?

two questions

would you rather be rich...or humble?

a leap...of faith........

finding our purpose.......

you are not forgotten.....

life is fragile- handle with prayer!

a seed of thought.............

of boo-boos and such.......

what do YOU want for Thanksgiving?

to live another day.........

is enough...enough?