Day two:more inspiration

You are the answer to someone's prayers.

Picture this: you're standing in a long line at the grocery store. You're running late and the "new" cashier is taking forever. When will a new line open up? You're juggling the food in your hands, mind on other obligations when you hear the customer up front ask the cashier to take an item or two off the total. He doesn't have enough money. Now you pay a bit of attention. He has an old shirt on that could have used a good washing, his hair is unkempt and his face needs a shave. You glance at his purchases. Then at what the cashier has in her hand. It is a food stamp card. "Typical welfare bum!" you think and shrug. After all, what does it have to do with you......right? 

 You have just pegged your fellow human being into a precise judgmental position. "Typical welfare slacker." 

Or.....perhaps you are more open minded. It's someone down on his luck. He is doing the best he can in these tough economic times. He has a wife, maybe kids at home who need the milk and bread he has on the counter. It's the end of the month and thus, his funds just ran out. He feels humiliated to have dragged bystanders into his poverty. He feels helpless and quickly remembers a time when things were more prosperous. Reluctantly he tells the cashier, "I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but please take the bread off, I'll just get the gallon of milk this time."

 "Please, keep the bread. I'll pay for it," you say, handing the cashier a five dollar bill. The man looks surprised, yet you smile at him. Then when she gives you the change, you tell her to give it to him instead. He doesn't know what to say, how to repay you. You reassure him that all he needs to do is to pay it forward. Gratefully he shakes your hand and you quietly add, "may God bless you!"

He realizes he has indeed been have you.

Thank God for angels like you who appear just when it is needed. And your load is suddenly so very much lighter as you go home and hug your kids and tell your husband just how much he is loved and appreciated. Life is indeed beautiful.


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