Good vs Evil, which will win?

Just recently I was asked if I "believed" in the devil. A friend of this person had told her that he had felt it's influence and didn't know what to do. He was pulling away from all that he had held dear. I told her that yes, I do believe in the devil and together we prayed for her friend, that he would be free of those evil influences.

To so many people, this sounds pretty flaky. Because we all like to have everything all wrapped up in a neat little package. It's OK for Hollywood to have movies about evil influences, but for folks to actually believe in it....many choose to deny it. However, it's what we deny that is what will become our downfall. And I for one believe that when one chooses to NOT believe, that person will be the unsuspecting victim. Not always, mind you, but many times.

I believe evil picks those whose faith is strong, such as St Therese, St Francis and others. I also believe that evil picks on the weak. I have a friend whose faith is strong, but she is vulnerable in that she has had clinical depression all her life. She has felt the pull of just "ending it all," because she feels worthless, feels she has done no good for anyone. I remind her many times just how valued she is as a human being.

I also see how evil attacks those who are already down and out; they turn to drugs and alcohol to deaden the pain. When they summon treatment, many fall victim to the devil's tauntings, or in the words of a Kenny Chesney song: "the devil whispers in your ear, 'have another shot, just one more beer.'" One becomes two, and within months to years, they have lost relationships, jobs, family members, friends and soon, even their own self respect.

Look also to the news...hard as it is to hear any of it. Children especially, have fallen victim to hunger, abuse, and being killed. Yes, the devil preys on the young, the weak and on those who exert their authority. "More Power! More greed! More of Everything!" until....soon, there is nothing...and the wars all over the globe? It seems they never cease!

and the devil laughs.

What can you do? If ever you feel the temptations of the devil, if ever you feel yourself casually slipping into complacency, rebuke the devil and all his evil ways. It is prayed for in the Lord's Prayer. Jesus knew it was important that we stay on alert and taught us how to pray. It is also mentioned in the Apostle's Creed: "do we promise to turn away from the devil and sin?" Also, do as Jesus did when Peter denied him, "Get away from me, Satan!" You can also rebuke Satan in the Name of Jesus. That Name alone scares...well, literally, the hell out of him! He HATES that we call on Jesus, which is why this struggle between good and evil continues. He has vowed to take as many followers of good away from God and turn them against Him. What better way to do that than to use complacency (it's all ok, you really don't need to worry!) as well as sexual seduction (anything made by Hollywood nowadays). The porn industry has never had it better than by being available 24/7 on the internet. Used to be one had to be over 18 to get a Playboy magazine, and now...there it is, all over your computer.

There are those who say I am "needlessly worrying" everyone. Or that I am crazy, weird, or whatever. But this I know, they are the ones who are mislead already. You must be on guard! I do believe in the battle of good vs. evil. We must pray, pray very much, if we are to win this battle of good OVER evil. Good will triumph. This I know!


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