
As I look back on the past five years, I see the goals that I had for myself carried out. I am a published author and though I may not be as famous as say...Stephen King, I do have an audience and for that, I am grateful! I also see personal issues from back then that did NOT play out, though at the time, I had prayed fervently that they would have. As I look back now, for them to have played out would have been disastrous for me. Why is hindsight always 20/20? This is the very reason why we need to let go and let God. When you go to Him in Prayer, do you beg Him to FIX it YOUR way...without thinking about how it may be otherwise? Then when it doesn't happen as you wish, do you accuse Him of not caring?

Oh my, but He does care! It is no different than when we were children, we wanted everything, but our parents chose for us what was the right path. Yes it hurt at the time, but the end results were worth the decision. It is true now. When you go to God in prayer, go with faith that he will give you what is best for you. Ask not for specifics, instead, pray for His greater good in your life. HIS greater good...not what you'd like, but what should happen! Then watch the miracles that will take place. Case in point...I would not have met the man of my dreams had I instead stayed the course I was on five years ago.... and Thank God for that! 

Remember...let go...let God.

"Hello, __________, this is God, I am here for you today, so sit back and let me show you My mighty works!"


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