


For all that you have done for me, I thank you. I still remember the day you came into my world; I felt confused and a bit rejected. You lifted me up with your words and actions. I never thought that I would ever feel so safe and secure or cared for. In this world, cared for is such a wonderful feeling! I am reminded of the song by Anne Murray, "You Needed Me," in which she sings about being lifted up and loved. Truly because of what you have given me, I in turn will pass it on to others. Your unselfish inspiration will live on forever!

Have you ever wanted to write to someone and let them know what they have done to make your life better? Why haven't you? What is stopping you? In today's world, where e-mails and texts are so common, just think how much more precious a note would is something that can be held and read many times over. Don't put off tomorrow what you should do today--write that note. It will make your day and theirs so much better!


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