
I was just on a prayer site and noticed a familiar pattern: most of the prayers are asking for health, for healing from illnesses such as cancer or recovering from surgery. It made me think....we always take our health for granted until we are stopped in our tracks by an illness. Then we realize just what we have is so precious and important and we need to preserve it. It is after all, the only body we will get while here! Last night I read a magazine article, written from the male perspective, of what women do that they feel makes them attractive to men. From simple things such as makeup and wrinkle creams to tummy tucks and Botox, it was said that in the end--guys who love their wives are content to have them JUST AS THEY ARE! So what if their women have muffin tops, stretch marks and C section scars, it is the life they have made together, he said. That just about had me in tears. I personally don't spend a whole lot of vanity time in the bathroom, I am happy with myself. I do make sure I am clean, pretty and presentable. But while perusing same said magazine, I was appalled at the ads for everything to make us appear artificial. And now this morning, looking at the prayer list from those who have been diagnosed with illnesses....I realized that beauty is vain, health is not. It is better to be healthy and able to help others than to spend vast amounts of time in front of a mirror or on a surgeon's table getting that wrinkle smoothed out or that pudge sucked out. 

What do you think is important? What priorities do you feel make you a better person? Is it being five foot three, one hundred pounds....or being content with yourself and being available to show compassion towards others?

Here is that prayer that started all this thinking for me...perhaps it may have a happy outcome if we all prayed God's name...amen....

Thank you Lord for bringing this to my attention and to pray for. Lord You are our healer and we thank you for that. Lord, we pray the the health of Nina. What ever sickness she is experiencing Father, we ask that you heal it in Jesus name. We thank you for her cure, in Jesus name we pray Amen.


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