the wisdom of our younger generation

"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean that they've gotten lost." -Dalai Lama <------ (This guy knows what's up.)
this was posted by my 18 year old son on his Facebook page. He is very philosophical when it comes to religion and I, being the "hardened Catholic" that I am, have learned so much from him, why? Because my mind is open to the possibilities that maybe...he is right. His idea is peace throughout the world. He said it IS possible and that it CAN happen, people just have to WANT it to happen! He asked me, what can people do to make it so? 
 I thought about it and replied, "children are born non-combative. Somehow as they grow up, they witness what happens around them. They see their peers using bullying tactics to get their own way. They see folks with stronger persuasions picking on weaker ones. Mostly, they see how having as much as you want regardless of how it is obtained as the consummate goal in life. The old 'I have more than you and I won't share' thing." 
He thought about it quietly, then replied, "I also believe that religion plays a big part in it. I mean, if there is only ONE God, why does everyone have to fight about how we worship Him? I would think we'd all be in agreement that He is good and make sure everyone else knows it, too."
Wow! He is only 18 but he is so right. Why does there have to be so much division? When you stop and think about it, Jesus even said there was the Ten Commandments, then the two most important: Love God and love your neighbor. That's it. There was nothing mentioned that one must create wars, that one religion needs to dominate, in fact, Jesus said He came so that others may have life and have it in abundance. In ABUNDANCE!!! Just ASK and it will be given to you! Yet we have religions, factions, cults and more who all claim they have every right to take away your God-given rights and create bloody battles in the process.
Myself, I too am all for peace. I believe also that a peaceful world can be attained. Create that ripple of good, do something nice for another with no thought of reward. Do it because it is the RIGHT thing to do...and just as in "Pay it Forward," see how it touches another's life...for the better!


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