remember them too...oh so far away...


the soldier, the Marine
who protect us, night and day,
Their home is a foxhole, their food MRE
They'd rather be home
safe with you and with me.
Their children, they grow- they do their best,
They soon come to see life at it's damnedest...
Holidays come, holidays go...
it's all the same to the soldiers who know
the dust and the dirt the noise and the smell...
these are the things that they call Hell.

Remember please our people far away...
Dear Lord, I beg you keep them safe, I pray!
Guardian angel, our Light from above....
send them strength that comes from God's Love!
Help them to know that we are so proud...
of the ones who keep us safe....and who keep us sound!

So Sky Pilot, keep your mind focused
on them and their well being,
give them strength from all they are seeing....
Help them to know the role that they play
in keeping US safe and out of harms' way....
May God bless us all, each and every one....
May His Peace shine down like the Sun!


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