accepting, growing, challenging....

"On this day of your life, God wants you to know that every relationship rests on three legs: accepting growing, challenging. That's really it, isn't it? You want your relationships to be grounded on accepting each other as you are. On supporting each other through the inevitable ups and downs. On challenging each other to become more, to grow, to flourish. Which one of these is the more difficult one for you, and how are you going to practice it in the next 24 hours?"

I read this and pondered the many people I have met on this blog who support the same way of living that I do. In fact, one gentleman, Andy W., has been a real inspiration to not only myself, but others as well. In fact, his words yesterday were a real upper for me in what could have been a sad day. The reason he has inspired me is because he lives his faith life just where he is at. He acknowledges he has faults and isn't perfect. He also understands that he is judged by all except the ones who know him and love him. Now, go back and read the first paragraph of this post. How can we be accepting if all we do is point fingers at one another?  I challenge all to read his words, then accept what he says and go out and do something good for another. In this way, we grow in such positive's phenomenal! I'll print his response here:

"I can't sleep, so I am gonna use this time to ramble once again. I read your prayers over and over- the first line of the second prayer says it all. I don't know for certain where I am going either. This is why us drunks are told to just take it one day at a time. I don't use the word drunks callously, it's just that I recognize what I am. It's too bad that others can't see themselves for what they are. Many are hypocrites and like to hurt others with words/actions or inactions. me, I just go about my life and try to do no harm. Have I failed people? you damn betcha I have. My family, many friends, but the ones who have stood by me are the ones I know I can trust. Do I have regrets? well who among us don't? If you say you don't, you are a liar, because none of us is perfect. I was thinking about your post yesterday...gratitude and ingratitude. When was the last time I thanked anybody? So first of all, I went to my son and thanked him for putting up with an old codger like me. and I was sincere. I chuckled at rob's response. I know what he meant and that meant so much to me. To know one is loved for just being who they are...even with my imperfect days, well, it makes this ol' man cry. So, Rev thanks again. I hope your days go well. Don't let others get to have a kind heart."


  1. maxwell not so smartFebruary 8, 2012 at 1:44 AM

    this goes hand in hand with day before yesterday's post about gratitude. If one is feeling gratitude, they naturally will live in harmony with others because they want nothing but good for the ones around them. Sounds as if Andy has his act many of us can say the same? We all label those who drink, we all write them off in society, as if they are nothing but an inconvenience, a bother. I had a dad who drank. Life wasn't easy, but mom made sure we all knew that he was OUR dad, he gave us LIFE...if not for him, I wouldn't be here! We didn't like the fact that he drank, and he died way too young because of it, but even now, he was my DAD! So many things are wrapped up in other things. You do NOT point your finger at others just because their lifestyle doesn't fit what YOU think it "should be." Life is a complex takes maturity to see that.


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