
babies...you just have to love them! When I see a child such as this so innocently sleeping...I wonder, what does he dream about? Is he glad he has a secure place to call home, where he is loved and nurtured? My own past was so rocky and I know of others who also had a horrible childhood experience. Yet I look at this child when I hold him and thank God for the chance to be a part of his life. I am in awe of the delicate and tender looks he gives to me when I feed him his bottle. I hold him and watch as a smile sneaks across his features. I pray for his future, that he will always know there is room for him in our world. And I hope that he will be that example to others of what love and compassion are. To know real love...hug a child. The rewards are worth it!


  1. lucky you!!! enjoy your time...they grow so fast!

  2. to love and to be loved is a priceless gift and a treasure!


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