is this the "new gratitude?"

do you see the sunset? Then give thanks to God for it, and for that which you have been given during this day! Your health, the food you ate, your friends and for opportunities that may have otherwise passed you by to help another...give thanks to God for all!

When I was young, whenever I received anything from anyone, it was imperative that I sit down and write a thank you note. Even at the age of three, my mom would make me write something, she of course helping with spelling and words that didn't sound repetitive. It made me realize that if someone could go through the time and effort of buying and sending the gift, I could take ten minutes and be grateful for it...and mean it! didn't matter if I liked it, I just had to DO it! Another part of this was either having a picture of me wearing it or using it, or else wearing it when that person came over, to show even  more appreciation.
Heavy sigh.......

So where do today's people come across not showing gratitude? Gifts given with thought and care don't even merit a note? A call? Even when given in person, no hug, no show of surprise...nothing? Last year a wedding gift was given and finally two months later came a computer generated note that said, in effect, "thank you to all who gave us gifts, we are grateful to call you "friend." Hmmm...Never mind the fact that one of the gifts was a pendant that had great sentimental value. One would think a personal note would have been more thoughtful. Another time I gave someone a gift and as the little birthday boy was opening it, I overheard his grandpa shout out, "who in the hell gave him a book about cats? I hate cats!" Wow....from grandpa? Gee, made me feel like a piece of dirt on the bottom of a shoe.

I guess I just take offense at this because I grew up poor. I mean, POOR. I wore my older brother's hand me downs. I grew up before food stamps, so food was metered out to last and you ate those peas whether you liked them or not! What I didn't eat was waiting for me at the next meal and believe me, cold meat loaf is yukky!(No microwaves back then either and we couldn't afford them when they did come out.) When I was given clothes from friends, it was as if Heaven itself smiled on me. I was so very thankful. I had opportunities to go dumpster diving as a young teen and believe me, what I found there...WOW! It was like raiding a department store! Finally, I had...STUFF! Toys, clothes, you name it. One winter, I needed a winter coat and was lucky enough to find one in the Dumpster. A bit big and the kids laughed at me, but it kept me warm. And I gave thanks to God that I had it.
My own kids I taught to say thank you and to show gratitude. The only way kids learn is through example. Set the example, parents. Show them what NEED is like. Tell them they have been graced. If they have enough, remind them there are plenty who don't have nearly enough. Take them to a nursing home and visit with the residents there. Take them to a food shelf and donate. Tell them what the red kettles are all about at Christmas time. Explain to them over and over that there, but for God's grace, they go...and many more are not as lucky as they have been. YOU NEED TO BE THE EXAMPLE! In this way...through efforts, we can have a bit of heaven right here on earth.

Are you your brother's keeper? You bet you are...we ALL are!


  1. kinda reinforces the whole 99% 1% thing, doesn't it? Yes I do agree, those who have need to look after those who have not. Do you need the most expensive gadget? no...not when so many have nothing! and the children! They only see survival of the fittest. No wonder they grow up to be greedy...get it before someone else does! This is a good read--thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. thank you again, myAmbers!!! love you too! rob

  3. well doggone's appointment and all looks like i missed something here. Just letting all know though that between the Rev and rob, my life is becoming better. I say will never be utopia, but it is better than the alternative. If there were harsh words here fore, you can damn betcha that I won't tolerate them none either! I saw the word "enable." rob, don't let anyone's comments get you down. To everyone else, his wife does not enable him. He is capable of finding trouble and believe me, he would rather die first than to put his wife through that!We all gots to look after each other and I aim too do just that. Peace is the word here.

    1. Andy, when you decide to ask me to marry you, I'll say "yes!" thanks!!! Love you! rob

  4. Kathleen Soresen, teacherFebruary 8, 2012 at 1:37 AM

    kinda thinking if there is any problem with what this post says, maybe the ones reading it should examine why they have an issue...could it be it that just hits too close to home? If we live our lives in gratitude, then there is no reason to feel insecure, jealous or whatever. Give from the heart, that includes everything-- be it a word spoken, a though, an action. Give it your all! How can you not feel all warm and fuzzy if you do good for others? It simply is not possible! As the column says, it needs to start when kids are young. It becomes as natural as breathing a sthey grow. It is all about respecting others!


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