a song to Believe in...........

Sometimes I have no idea what to write about here...I just center myself and say "Okay, Lord...I am listening, tell me what it is I should speak of today."  Almost immediately I read something, hear something or see something that says, "this is IT!" Someone e-mailed me this song and I want to share it with you. It is spine chilling and the words say more than I ever could. The young gal singing is only seven years old, but has the voice of an angel...here is the link: enjoy and be inspired!



  1. this is just astounding....and so beautiful!! Thank you for sharing! Sometimes, words are not necessary....

  2. little girl lost--and foundFebruary 2, 2012 at 7:46 AM

    I see myself as that little girl..except that I was shunted from foster home to grandma's to a boyfriend of mom's who literally saved me from myself as I grew older. I listened to this song and cried such tears that I have never cried before. The title alone says it all, "to Believe." I held onto a hope I never thought I had until just a couple of months ago. I WANTED to eb that little girl...I did NOT want the pain and the horrors I had all my young life! Damn it, I so NOT wanted to be that cypher! Then ..soft words spoke within me, they said, "but if not for your pain and suffering, you would have no reason to reach out to another." I am keeping this link and will listen some more. Those tears are so cleansing. Thank you Rev Baum and thank you--my friend for saving me. I said it before but it bears repeating.

  3. you sure enough know how to make an old man cry---and for that...I thank you.

  4. Wow...who needs American Idol? This gal will go places for certain!


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