a true love story from the past.....

Charles was a handsome man who, when called to service, joined the Army during WW2. He fought in France and it was during the Battle of the Bulge that he came into contact with a grenade. Half of his face was blown away and he was blinded. Life hung in the balance for him, but he survived and when he was strong enough, was sent to an Army hospital in San Francisco to continue his rehabilitation. It was there that he was assigned a nurse named Beatrice. She was about five years older than him and just a tiny woman with a huge heart of gold. Over the days, weeks and months, as she nursed him back to health, something else also happened: they began to fall in love. There was no real plastic surgery back then and Charles was quite a ghastly sight: he had a huge dent in the left side of his face and where an eye should have been, now was a deep scar with a glass eye sewn into place. His other eye, though it moved, couldn’t see. He needed to learn to walk again, to speak again and do all the other things required of being able to care for himself. Beatrice, or “Bee” as he called her, was right by his side and when he was finally able to, they walked down the aisle together as man and wife.

Now, to many, this was a true “Beauty and the Beast” moment. Bee was a beautiful woman, both inside and out. She was gracious towards all and had the patience of a saint. I am sure that Charles sensed this; though he couldn’t see her, he could feel the great intentions deep within her heart. They raised two children and Charles was able to learn Braille and earned a degree in social services, where he worked for over thirty years. He had a Seeing Eye dog, which made all the difference in his independence. Though blind, he didn’t allow his disability to interfere with raising a family or work. He was loved and respected by many.

When his beloved Bee passed away after over fifty years of marriage, Charles pined for her. After just a few months, he too passed on, to spend eternity with the one true love of his life. He often had said that without “his Bee,” he couldn’t go on. She was the Light in his life, the one who taught him that despite all obstacles, one just does not roll over and expect life to wait on you hand and foot. One needs to go out and meet life and embrace it, with all of it’s struggles and pain as well as its joys. 

This story is written in memory of my Uncle Chuck and my aunt Bee…you will always have a special place in my own heart. When the struggles of life get to be too much for me, I remember your love and your grace and how they made each day so much better for you…as it does for me. Thank you for the life lesson I carry deep within my heart.


  1. wow...you know, so often it's the surface sh*t...."what is in it for me?" I read this and thought that true love comes from sacrifice...not from a fancy car, big house or lots of money, but from respect and being cherished! Thank you for this story...may I please pass it on?

  2. i thought of gabby giffords when i read this! how her husband stayed with her.Thanks for sharing it!

  3. ok...here goes. Met my wife when she was 19 and I was 26. I was a truck driver and worked long hours. Tough routes. She stood by me. I began drinking because I couldn't deal being away from home so much.She raised our wee ones pretty much be herself. I loved her to pieces and she always looked the other way when I would come home to the bottle. She loved me too much and maybe understood that I needed to relax. Except that when I woke up once (came to, maybe?) I heard her crying in the night. I saw that she had her bags packed and she was writing me a note.She couldn't take it anymore because although I was "home,' I still wasn't there. I begged her to stay. She finally left. We were married for almost 20 years then. Although I did talk her back, it wasn't the same. The looks, the silence...it was hard. Then she passed away --got killed by a drunk driver while going grocery shoppin'. The guilt in me grew. My son has stayed by me, I lost my daughter in that accident also. Why? Mom didn't want her home where I was passed out on the couch. She was embarrassed, I guess and had every reason to be ashamed. It's been seven years now. I miss her so much. This o man has certainly F'ed up. I am lucky my son has stayed by me...but even that is hard somedays. See now why I was on the edge of homeless? Hey rob...if you see this...your woman is one hell of a gal. She believes in love. She believes in YOU. Please...don't F it up. Ok? do right by her. that is my love story. It ain't always happy...but its mine. Thanks Rev for letting me spout here.

  4. to have loved...is the greatest gift. To have been blessed with many years of happiness is cause to celebrate! For you to show us the value of what REAL true lasting love is like...Rev. Baum, you have done the world a great service! This story was beautiful! You are lucky to have had these folk sin your life.


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