a commentary Andy Rooney would enjoy


The most important thing anyone can do for another is to just be there...to be present...to listen! To understand, to care! This world is closing in on us, yet we are so isolated! People walk around glued to an instrument the size of a pack of cigarettes. We have social media such as Twitter and Facebook, we Tweet, we update statuses, but we really are not communicating anymore! We know who is calling us, so we screen that call. It used to be a surprise, now we hide from those we don't want to converse with. We carry laptops, iPads, iPods, MP3's...we drown out what is happening today by our own admission. Is it any wonder we can no longer grasp the sounds of...silence? Or the sound of laughter, of a bird chirping, a person crying... 
why are we so afraid?
Today, I encourage you to put down your instrument of choice and listen with your senses...see the beauty, as well as the pain around you. Everyone "complains" that I write about alcoholics and their issues too much. Do I? Or maybe I care about how THEY feel...their isolation of an illness and a habit that literally cripples them, if not renders them homeless and without hope. I feel, I empathize, I listen...I care and understand. If that bothers YOU, ask yourself why you feel that you need to shut life out....does it interfere with your well thought out plans for a perfect world? The world is not perfect...but we can do our part to make it better...one person at a time. That ripple effect you may not feel right away but believe me...it is there and it does affect others. In the early '70's, Coke had a commercial that began, "I'd like to teach the world to sing...in perfect harmony..." How about you...how will YOU teach the world to sing? Think about it...with your eyes wide open as well as your heart!


  1. wow...thanks for the reminder!!!

  2. we get so caught up in our own lives we forget there are others out there....I heard once that people use radios to drown out the silence, that we are afraid of "nothingness." You made some good points here...thank you!


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