Tis grand to be Irish....


I hope everyone had a pleasant St Patrick's day this year. Falling on a Saturday and with nice weather here in St. Paul, there were so many more out and about than usual. A Minnesota March can be brutal and cold, warm and sweet or a bit of both! It seems hard to believe that about 100-120 years ago, the Irish were considered a minority and held the most menial of jobs. Factory work, police officers, they were  not well respected, so it seems that for everyone today to embrace the Irish is a wonderful thing. It is my hope that as we go about our lives, other people can be embraced as well. The poor, the homeless, the hungry, the less educated, the disabled, the alcoholics, the drug addicts....how can you welcome them into this life, instead of casting them off? Perhaps one day, they too will be as wanted as the Irish are today. Oh what a wonderful world it will be!


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