what have you done for Lent?


Holy Week. A time for introspection as the world awaits the dawn of a new era. Well, at least those who think about it do! Most of us are trying to keep our heads above water, pay the bills and provide as best we can to our families in a sagging economy. Easter is not just about the Easter bunny, actually, it never was! It's a time of renewal, rebirth as winter gives way to spring, old gives way for new--and Jesus arose from the dead to give us hope for a life eternal. When we hear the word Lent, we think about giving things up. No chocolates, many say, or no meat, no coffee, no this...no that...but what have you DONE for Lent? It is not always about giving UP something, maybe it's all about doing something as a sacrifice. Going out of your way each day to make sure someone else is more comfortable than you. Being kinder to all you meet, for they have their battles as well. To a homeless person, holidays only have their meaning in the past. Fond memories have given way to regrets as they try to reconcile with themselves where they went wrong. Meanwhile, as the song by Phil Collins goes, "it's just another day for you and me in paradise." We go about our lives. We have our own issues, why deal with anyone else's? When you stop and consider it though, in the end, everyone's problems will concern us at some point. So why not focus on the bad as well as the good. Do you have enough food? Good, share with those who don't. Clothes closet filled to bursting? Awesome...give to someone who has little. See that waitress over there, the one who may be living off her tips as she tries to provide for her family? Make her service worthwhile, put a bit extra on the table! When you're at the gas station, see who has just pulled up next to you, in the old beater? Make sure to help them out, pay their bill too. OUCH! you say, have you seen the price of gas? Yes I have...and so do others, as they decide between groceries for this week and gas to get to work. You see, their is need all around you--take time to SEE it--then do some good for others. That is how to have a successful Lent...and beyond!


  1. you are so Pollyanna! "Pay for someone's gas" are you nutz???? People can barely pay their own bills and you want them to take on the world. Ain't gonna happen, so crawl back under your rock.....you think people care about me and you? They don't! Take off your rosey colored glasses and then you'll see.

  2. Pollyanna, you say? I think not. If more were like Rev. Baum there would be less in our world who go without. It would be good if you went without your nasty attitude. Wide awake, I think you have been fast asleep!!!

  3. am I my brother's keeper? what do you think? Until we all have enough, the obvious answer is...yes!


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