Rev. Baum's top ten list of being in the moment....

10. always stop to smell the flowers....even the ones we call weeds, like dandelions! (and if they are poofy, be sure to blow the seeds into the wind!)
9. always pick up pennies off the ground...and nickles and dimes, too!
8. always make time to dance in the puddles!
7. laugh with a child at a joke they made up.
6. if you see a lemonade stand, stop and get a glass of it--- and be sure to tip!
5. Forget the 20% rule of tipping in a restaurant. No matter what the service, leave something....even if the service was bad, leaving a few pennies may send a better message than "maybe the customer forgot..." and if the service was great, be very generous!
4. hug....often!
3. compliment everyone you meet
2. always always always show gratitude! Thank you notes rank so high in my book...and should be a priority in yours.
1. remember why you fell in love in the first place, and make it top priority that your special someone is #1...over deadlines, noisy kids, feisty friends and especially on those days when you can't find any real reason to celebrate that love, for it is then that it is needed the most!


  1. basically this is a do unto others as you'd have them do unto you list. I like it and will save it. thanks!

  2. not too sure about that dandelion comment, you may have pissed off a few of us who do our damnedest to kill those things...but--to each their own, I guess!

  3. guess we should see life as a little kid and enjoy it while the ride lasts!


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