the power of one word

I bet you can think of places in your life where there is lack or death. It could be in your finances, emotions, or your health. The tendency is to get down and depressed and maybe say "Thank You" if it changes. But God wants us to reverse that order. He actually wants you to say "Thank You" before He provides.Think of it like this—Imagine 2 children: one has his arms crossed and is looking angrily down at the ground; and the other is looking up at you, smiling, with his arms wide open. Which child, do you think, is ready to receive something? That posture of "Thank You In Advance" is what God loves from you. When you say "Thank you" before you get His answer, you are telling Him just how much you trust Him. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." That means, you are so convinced that God is going to answer you, that you are already thanking Him as if you have it! Let's try it out:

Lord, I thank You in advance for:
  • having great health and tons of energy
  • having a wonderful, loving, godly family
  • having no debt and living simply and contentedly.       Believe me, I have done this and I tell you, if you offer your gratitude initially, good things will happen! In this world where we face the "gimmees" every day...instead offer praise and thanksgiving for not only what you have, but also for what you are seeking.


  1. wow, all it takes is a few minutes to make someone's hard is it, right? yet so few of us actually do it! so, thanks, Rev!


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