of lessons and memories

"Don’t you ever regret knowing someone in your life: good people will give you happiness, bad people will give you experience, while the worst people will give you a lesson and the best people will always give you memories." ♥

This blog is not only a way for me to communicate with YOU, but also for you to post your own thoughts and comments. So when I receive these comments, I don't delete them and I do read each and every one. There are times, however when comments that are posted can be mean, hurtful and hit below the belt. I try to be as inspirational as I can...turn the other cheek, just as Jesus taught, but even so, words do hurt more than blows ever will.

When I am called nothing more than a selfish brat, that I have ruined another's life or whatever else runs through some minds, it really gives me pause to think. Because the one or others who are saying this are not courageous enough to print your/their own name, it makes me wonder who the real coward is here. I wonder about some folks who, when they see another person finally enjoying some happiness in his or her life and then to be so cut down....how selfish, in fact...are YOU to deny another that happiness?

Instead of dwelling on the negative, I am focusig on the positive, just as the above quote tells us. Lessons, experience...all can serve to make us  abetter person...or a bitter one. I choose to be better. If this bothers anyone reading this, feel free to move on...both here on the web as well as in real life, because I have moved on...forward and have no intention of looking back.

May peace fill your soul and have a wonderful day!!!


  1. wow...so mature! Many people get caught up in their own hangups..."you did it to me, so my turn back at you!!" And yet...what did YOU do and why is it so imperative that people need to get even? Nothing is so huge it can't be resolved...because Love always finds a way. And I am signing my own name!

  2. if this has to do with family issues...those can be the hardest to resolve. Each has their own agenda and to "fix it" takes a lot of firm resolve and love. My best guess is to just let it ride because no amount of convincing will change another's mind when they think they are right!

    1. Especially when they are wrong. So right, my friend, so right.

  3. it all has to do with forgiveness...so who begins that process if BOTH parties seem to feel they are right? If indeed, Rev you are in the right, have you tried to begin the forgiving process or are you waiting for the olive branch from another? It hurts to be hurt again, this I know.Rejection hurts, both initially and in the long run. Hopefully there may be some attempt by the offending party at some point. If not though, if it is true that you are the recipient, then someone really does have some explaining to do.

  4. go back to the top of this post...what does it say...? choose your words well, they can make or break another person! So there, you knew it all along, Rev Baum!

  5. your honesty and "putting it out there" is what makes us all identify with you. If another can't handle the truth, its their problem, not yours.

  6. if being "selfish" includes you being the best possible friend for someone who needed one, then may we all be selfish! Me? I am just jealous because I am a long distance person who would enjoy spending time with the one you have in your world!


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