words--part two

even titles such as disabled, retarded, not good enough, you'll never amount to anything....labels such as Black, low income, Latino, Native American...though they denote nationality, they also put pictures in other's minds of negative images. Alcoholic, drug addict, rich, poor ...We are all created in GOD'S image. God. The Almighty. If He felt that we are good enough to look, think and act like Him, who are we to make a different assumption?



  1. I wish I could meet you...to thank you. You make me cry, in a good way. If you could see my disfigurations, you would understand. I have not had a real friend since I came home from Iraq due to the way I look. But you have given me hope. Thank you Reverend Baum

  2. to Lewis: I would embrace you in all of your sufferings. Just as Christ embraced all of us in ours. Who are we to judge another? I so applaud Rev Baum and her blog! She gives us Hope...and with hope there is Faith and with Faith, there is Love. May you feel God's Love today and everyday. and thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for serving this country!

  3. Hey Lewis H. --
    This one is coming from someone so, in the eyes of the 'perfect' society, is so out of their perfect world (in their own eyes, anyway) EVERYONE has disfigurations. Dude!! At least you earned yours! Many of us are born with it and therefore looked down upon by the so called "Great Ones" -- YOU can cry, for you have served the world, I, for one, thank you for your efforts. I know it may not be much coming from a non- soldier, who actually tried for his country,thank you for all you have given. And thank you for supporting The Rev.
    I guess, just hang on, THANK YOU LEWIS.
    You are a God!

  4. as one who heard nothing but verbal abuse as a kid, I whole heartedly agree with this. I could take a punch, but mom insisted on using words to hurt and she knew it! Do you know how long it takes self esteem to heal? I am still healing...forty years later! :(


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