you are beautifully made!

Here is a scary statistic: 62% of this nation's women of all ages have an eating disorder. It begins as young as age five and doesn't stop at 40...or 50...or even 60! Bulimia, when you binge and then purge, or anorexia, when you just don't eat at all are the two main ways these women are hurting themselves. Abusing laxatives, even stomach bypass surgery that eventually fails as one goes back to old eating habits...why are women so focused on their weight?

Reason one: Peer pressure. In school, we always compare ourselves to others. "Does this dress make me look fat?" Oh God! I look just HORRIBLE in this picture!" are just two of the many phrases girls use with each other. Bullying also, calling girls fat when maybe they are just a bit chunkier than others can lead to eating disorders. As these girls age, now it's not only peer pressure in college, but also occupational pressure. To be a flight attendant, one must fall within certain weight guidelines. Same for acting, singing, modeling...I know of a gal who applied to work at a weight disorder clinic. She had to lose thirty pounds or risk losing her new-found job. Lose it she did...and was now underweight and looked malnourished for her height and body proportions.

Reason two: Madison Avenue advertising. I'll bet you can name more cosmetic companies in the next thirty seconds than you can remember what you had for breakfast yesterday. Max Factor. L'oreal. Maybelline. Revlon. Avon. Cover Girl. And the clothing industry. And the models who make it seem so effortless. Do you aspire to look just like them. Have you ever said to yourself, "if only I could lose ten pounds, have my hair just so and wear those colors, I'll be happy?" Are those models happy?
Probably not.

Reason three: Self esteem. Yes, it does feel good to have a nice haircut. New clothes. Lose some weight. But some women and girls just don't know when to quit. They keep on. Ten pounds becomes twenty...or more. Unless you have health issues, for most of us, daily exercise doing yoga, walking, weightlifting will suffice. But some become addicted to the power and control that they have over their bodies and cannot see the "damage" they may be doing by over-doing.

That leads to reason four: power and control. Maybe you are dealing with a life stressor. Divorce. Kids moving out. Having babies. New job. Old job sucks. Husband is eyeing other women or reads porn on the 'net. Anything can set off a women's esteem issues to the point of "I look horrible. I feel awful. I am a piece of crap!" Even women in their 50's and 60's feel that they have to keep up with the whole Fountain of Youth stuff. Gotta be living that "70 is the new 50" motto.
You are defeating yourself. You are hurting not only yourself but those around you who care about you. And yet--you can't stop're on that roll, right? WRONG! but it may be too late for some...think Karen Carpenter. The world lost a beautiful voice to her anorexia issues back in 1983.

We need to remember that we are all made in the image and likeness of God. God made us BEAUTIFUL! It does NOT take fancy clothes, an eye lift, colorful hairstyles, 500 sit-ups a day or the latest gadget to do those sit-ups, or fancy makeup to show who we are. Who we are lies deep within our hearts. You can be a model and still be a piss poor person to others. You can be rail thin and still be a hurtful, gossiping backstabber. Or--you can be like Mother Teresa...who wore a simple sari and took care of the poorest of the poor...until they passed on into a new life. 
Go ahead and ask me: "who do you, Rev. Baum, think is beautiful?"
I would look you in the eye and reply: "you are. You who are hurting, who are troubled, who is undergoing such stress and pain in your life, are the most beautiful person I know. I see your struggles. I know of your addictions. I hear you cry and I want to be your comfort. I will not judge you. I will offer you my shoulder."

Even Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:29

Take heart dear one...I am one of you. I also am more than ten pounds overweight. I am 49 years old...I admit it! But I walk daily, giving God all of my problems and He hears me. I eat right, giving thanks for the food I have been provided. I have friends who love me just as I am...and a husband who treats me as his Princess. I am truly blessed!!!
and so are you.
Today...instead of looking in the mirror and hating yourself, give thanks to God for the blessings that you have received!

Let us pray:

Father, forgive me for not agreeing with You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Forgive me for believing the lies that I have to be somebody other than who I am. Help me to come into agreement with Your love for me and not despise all my imperfections. The fact that You love me and accept me is more important than the love and acceptance from anyone else. I am thankful that I am Your child, and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made! I know that full well. In the name of Your beloved Son Jesus I pray, Amen.
Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.


  1. don't forget all those commercials for guys now about how they can have sex until they are like 80, have the body of a 18 yr old and have the women of their dreams. They are being targeted as well. Otherwise, this is awesome...thank you for HAVING THE guts TO SAY WHAT HAS BEEN KEPT SO QUIET FOR SO LONG!

  2. Karen Carpenter died way too young. I still miss her voice today. Thank you for speaking up about this...I will show my fact I am going to print this and tape it to her mirror!

  3. power & control. A woman needs to know she can control something, why NOT her body, right? and so it goes until she does harm to herself. Thanks for pointing this out! You may have saved a life or three today--let's hope so, right?

  4. I have been fighting a battle with food. Rev is right. Power and control. I grew up not knowing when I would eat again, no thanks to a mom doing drugs and having no money for food as I was growing up. Lately it seems to spiral out of control, then I have to diet my way back down to a normal weight. UGH! I keep telling myself it was the PAST. But then the candy and cookies call my name. UGH! Although I am only 20 pounds over the recommended weight for my height, I am still self conscious about it. Here's to hoping i can regain control over a normal lifestyle!


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