of elections and personal responsibility

In my archdiocese, the archbishop has asked Catholics to donate money to a cause denouncing a gay marriage amendment that is up for a vote come November. I pondered this, as well as the whole election process and realized that when we vote, we have a responsibility to vote for the one or ones who have the best interests of the people at heart. There are so many candidates who are puppets of lobbyists and/or of those who give out the biggest cash donations. This means that they have just short sighted themselves, now serving only a small percentage of folks who think as they do.
While I do not believe it is right for any clergy authority to dictate from the pulpit who should vote for whom, I DO believe that when a person places a vote, it should be with a clean conscience and a hope that the ones they vote for will help the majority of the people.
There is a state representative here in my city who works FOR the people. A few examples of what he does are: he promotes a food drive every autumn during a city wide celebration. He himself pushes a grocery cart up and down the main street during a parade, encouraging all to give what they can to the needy. He supports firefighters and nurses, recognizing that they unselfishly answer the call daily. During the month of October, he asks that his constituents donate money NOT towards his campaign, but rather, to give it to breast cancer awareness groups. He runs a bi-partisan campaign, not one mired in hateful ads, but rather one offering an unbiased facts of what needs to be done an dhow he can best help. And his opponent? Points fingers and badmouths this candidate despite the good he has done thus far. Instead of telling us why an opponent is so awful tell us why YOU are so good, is my opinion! I want to hear how YOU can make things better for us all. To spew negativity does no one any good at all.
I am sure there are are candidates as worthy as the one mentioned above is. Then again, I am sure that somewhere in the annals of history, we all know of those who have literally "bought" votes to get to that position of power. There are very few "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington types anymore.
Like you, I also dream of candidates who really CAN lower taxes, bring our troops home, give all who are searching a decent job with decent wages. But then again, although we have only one President, we also have 537 elected officials who are in charge of making decisions that impact our country as well as two senators from each state. Whew! That is a lot of voices representing even more of us little folks! So easy to disagree with each other and yet our country has survived over 200 years---amazing, isn't it!
Remember that these folks who are elected are here to serve the PEOPLE! By, for and of the people--so it says in the Constitution. Sometimes it seems as though they serve a select few instead. Politics are a very volatile subject at any occasion, but if we each vote with our hearts for the one who can do the most good, for the most people during their term, we will have done a world of good.

The Constitution requires that senators take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution.Congress has prescribed the following oath for new senators:

I, ___ ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

And there it is...if we can remember that with God we can do all things, but without Him we are nothing...I think this country will survive for many more fruitful years.


  1. Recognizing our shared humanity and our biological nature as beings whose happiness is dependent on others, we learn to open our hearts, and in so doing we gain a sense of purpose and a sense of connection with those around us. ~Dalai Lama

  2. ha! Liked the part where you said you "dream of candidates" who can lower taxes. That's all it is: a dream! Wake up and join life! It ain't never happening!

  3. Normally I don't like to "talk politics," but you are right in that we all are in this together. Maybe the politicians should realize this too and vote for US with their hearts--just as we voted for THEM with OURS!


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