is that 'fling' really worth it? REALLY?

Ashley Madison. Sounds like a beautiful name you'd give a newborn baby girl. But add a dotcom after it and now you have the website that promotes adultery, flings, one night stands and more. This site has 17 million members and counting! Seventeen million people who seem to think that having an affair is what will spice up their lives. People who come from backgrounds such as doctors, lawyers, stock brokers, business executives and more, all looking for an excuse to "get it on." The owner of this site sees nothing wrong with it and when queried, his wife said she is all for it. He is nothing more than a legal pimp, taking money and promoting the destruction of morality as we know it.
Craigslist. Twitter. Facebook. Other online dating sites. It is estimated that between 17% and 70% will have an affair at some point in their lives. Why push it by making it easier? That seven year itch is now happening after year three in a relationship. People look back and realize that "this is it." They may have kids by now, the dreams they had for themselves are probably not what has actually transpired and they want to shake up some excitement because, "my partner just doesn't care about me anymore!" The day after Mother's Day is typically the day most sought after for having a fling. Think about it: the wife is probably more into the kids and her household duties, who wants to be sexy with baby spit up on their over-sized sweatshirt, right? Yet think about it some more: if you can put forth energy pursuing someone ELSE, why can't you do that for your current spouse?


  1. I read about this just a couple of months ago. Who can justify destroying a marriage, yet the guy who founded this company said that when people are looking at sites such as his, their relationships are already falling apart. So sad that we place so little value on a relationship!


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