can you do over your life?

 "I've decided we should all get a "do-over" in life. Just one chance to change one minute of time in the past.  If the series of events of our lives continually hinge on one another, each decision or action being a new turn in an infinite maze of possibilities but with no rewind, then I think we should all get a do-over! ♥ "
I  know what I would "do over:" and it's a two-fer deal. Up until four years ago, I was too complacent. I was always afraid that if I didn't "follow along," I wouldn't be liked. Well, following along  lead me to trouble. Had I been confident in myself and my abilities, my life would be so drastically different from those times to now! I would not have been lead to the temptation that spiraled into so much more heartaches. Then I think about it some more. Yes, it was heartbreaking. But I grew so much from those episodes. It made me resilient, stronger, wiser. And that is the important thing, that I grew for the better!
Today, look inward at your life. Where do you see room for improvement? Unfortunately, we do not get the chance of a do-over. But you can see where you are weak in some areas. Take it one step at a time. See where you can change your life for the better. If you are smoking, cut back. Gradually or all at once, it's your choice. Drinking? Tell yourself that alcohol is your crutch, one that you can sure do without! If relationships are your ball and chain, let go of the one dragging you down! You are strong, you are smart and you are too important to be someone's doormat, right? Job situation bad? Do what you can to improve it! 
We all seem to think the ruts we are in are the status quo of our lives. It is not true! As the song goes, "it's my life and it's now or never, I ain't gonna live forever!"


  1. all it takes is courage!

  2. who sang, "regrets? I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention..." anyway, I would prefer to NOT live in the past, too much crapola there. I'd rather look ahead. Yeah, I have F'ed up my life...but I also believe in forgiving myself and moving on. As for those who feel it is necessary to dangle my mistakes in my face...they need a life of their own!!


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