of boo-boos and such.......

Who remembers Mercurochrome? That orange boo-boo medication that made all little cuts feel better for little kids...so much better than iodine, which stung! I remember when I was so young and hurt myself, Grandma had the orange stuff. I sat, holding my finger, begging her to not put anything on it because it would hurt! She calmly replied that this was good, it wouldn't hurt and to trust her.
I did.
It didn't hurt.
All was well once more.
Fast forward to today. I have withstood more than just a cut finger since then. With each episode, it hurts less. Why? Because a person gets used to pain. Indeed, my rheumatologist said that for us with chronic illness, we go about each day in pain and it just begins to "grow" on us because we are used to it. When asked how I am, I smile and say, "good! and you?" I am not going to bore people with a litany of ills, unless it were real imporatnt. Life is just too short to bore folks that way and I am a positive person anyway. I would bore myself if I stopped to dwell on my pains! Same with emotional stabs, it is better to blow them off and move on.
There have been some, however, that have cut me to the core. Several times, I have helped others to have their work published. Several times those same people have turned on me later, as if once published, their lives would become golden. When "golden" didn't happen, it was somehow MY fault!
We are responsible to ourselves to make things happen. This is not to say we are not to help others...oh my, no..help others. Just be prepared for the ones who take the help offered and then run from you! I know its cruel...it hurts...but you should not let it deter you from continuing on in the spirit of love. Similar to the mercurochrome incident. If, because of pain we allow life to keep us on the sidelines due to pain, look at how much we'd be missing out on. Enjoy life! Take the good with the bad and make the best of it. Remember, even storms produce the most awesome rainbows!
Here is to a good future!

By the way--tomorrow is Election Day. Vote in the spirit of Love, of good conscience, of wanting the best for everyone, not just for yourself. I know the election ads have been inflammatory as of late, but use your judgment and make the best decision for all.
Peace be with you!! I will return in a week! Until then, God bless you all!


  1. The Rev went through a surgury today - all is well in our world once again, thanks to the fine surgeons and nurses and support staff they have. And I thank all you possative people who support her. Thank you.

  2. she is so circumspect about her life because she cares so much for others in theirs. Good to hear she is well. Take care my friend!


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