are you ready for Christmas??

Thought: "Are you ready for Christmas?" Someone asked me that today. I think I said, "Oh, not quite." I'm not exactly sure what they meant by that. Since I was at a retail stores, buying a few gifts, I can only assume they meant, "Have you completed your Christmas shopping?" So my answer was completely accurate. As I read this Scripture though, I think of what it means to be ready for Christmas, and I wonder: Am I ready? Am I ready to answer when Christ knocks on the door? Am I listening for God's calling? Do I have my life in order? Are my priorities aligned? Is my will in concordance with God's will? How do I spend my time, my money, my love? These are big questions. Much bigger than checking off names on my Christmas list. Much bigger than cleaning the living room or going grocery shopping. Am I ready for Christmas? I can't help but think that my answer to the clerk at the store is still completely accurate. I'm trying every day to get ready, and by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, I'll get there soon.
 I think about what Christmas really is: it began long ago in a stable. It began with a man, St. Joseph, who took on a Child that wasn't really his, believing in the woman he was betrothed to and to a God he hadn't seen. He vowed that he would support that family no matter what. He took them to safety to Egypt as he was told to when Herod's jealousy ordered that all boy children under two years of age be killed. His love for this family was strong. He embodied what Christmas really is. It is about what you GET---rather is about what you GIVE. Unselfishly. Unceasingly. Lovingly. Unconditionally. 
Does this describe you?
"To those who know me: I have friends from all walks of life.  ♥ I don't care what religion you are--or what color you are, or if you live a different lifestyle than  mine. If you wish me a Merry Christmas, I will wish you one right back, heartfelt and true. If you wish me a Blessed Yule, I will say it right back and mean it. I refuse to get upset over HOW you wish me a happy season. The fact that you took the time to wish me joy is all that matters to me. ♥ Love and joy and laughter and companionship and friendship is what's important. Love one another as you would love yourself. ♥ Do as you will, but harm none. ♥"

From my home to yours, Merry Christmas!


  1. it all seems and sounds so good. So why is it so hard to put words into practice?

  2. Peace on Earth--Goodwill towards men. Not everything in life has a tidy happy ever after bow on it. Yet you make it sound so it--really?

  3. life is what you make of it. Though it may seem as if you try for nothing, there are people out there who reap the benefits. So keep trying anyway!


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